Beautiful purple flowers and blush

Goodnight my friends @steem my dear, this time I want to show a little poem that I make karna late see this beautiful purple flowers blush

  • A splendid orange flower
I picked from an unnamed garden in the village
You look elegant to shake the riding prince
Enchanted petals implied on the soul


  • You live giving the colors of the real world
Do not know why the rumble of feeling in the soul surge
When I look at it sharply and closer
Ah ... I do not know why this smile continues to blush


  • Purple Flower
Your beauty is dazzling to match the diamonds
These fingers do not want to split off your sturdy tangka
Air intake seemed to lead to the wild
Now the more radiant the color of the flower
As if being a silent witness to the story of the rug


  • It was so pleasing to me that I felt so much
It smelled fragrantly
Elegant face immediately wake up the soul
When the human child is making love
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