**semangat motivasi(the spirit of motivation)**

Selamat siang semua sahabat esteemit yg lagi beraktifitas di mana pun anda berada semangat terus dalam bekerja tampa mengenal lelah karena semangat kita berkerja semangat pula hasil yg kita terima ,,, semangat pantang menyerah
English: "Good afternoon all esteemit friends who are more activity wherever you are the spirit continues in work tampa know tired because our spirit work spirit also the results we receive,, spirit of abstinence surrender

   Kali ini saya akan bagi kan sedikit kata-kata bijak yg sehari-hari pernah kita jalani bersama mungkin dengan ini akan akan membangkitkan semangat jiwa kita,,

*English:"This time I will share a few words of wisdom that everyday we have lived together maybe with this will will raise the spirit of our soul ,,

"seberapapun kenal seberapapun berhat,seberapapun cinta jika memang orang yg tepat akan selalu ada jalan untuk di jauhkan,, seberapapun tidak kenal seberapapun tak ada rasa,seberapapun benci jika memang ia orang yg tepat akan selalu ada cara untuk di dekatkan,,
"English:" "no matter how much he feels, no matter how much love, no matter how much love if indeed the right person will always have a way to be kept away, no matter how much no taste, no matter how hate if he is the right person there will always be a way to be close,,
"Rasakan beratnya pundakak mu karna ada beban orang tua yg akan menanti kesuksesan mu,ringankan beban mu ringankan ketakutan akan kegagalan mu di karnan di balaik itu ada orang tua yg selalu mendukung mu,,
"English:" "feel the weight of your mud because there is a burden of parents who will await your success, lighten your load lighten your fear of failure in karnan at balaik there are parents who always support you ,,

Terimakasih atas dukungan teman-teman semua yg udah membuat saya memotivasi dalam berkarya di steemit,,"English:"Thank you for the support of my friends who have made me motivate in working in steemit ,,
Tampa dukungan Teman-teman saya bukan apa-apa,
"English:"Without support My friends are nothing,

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