NO! Steemit Inc is not Steem and Ned is not our Messiah

I'm tired of reading posts and comments complaining that Steemit Inc is not doing enough to bring the steem Blockchain to where it's supposed to be. I've had enough of people stating that Ned is supposed to step down as CEO and that he is not good enough to lead.

I can't stand people expecting that obstacles and problems are magically solved by someone else, instead of doing something to solve them.

Yes, Ned and Steemit Inc could be considered as the face of our Blockchain, but they are not the community, they are not the only factor that makes the Steem Blockchain what it is but still...

Steemit Inc and Ned alone are not going to get us to mass adoption; our coin is not going to moon just because the leader and his company perform ok. Yeah, SMTs represent a lot and it's something we've all been waiting for but if you are seriously blaming the delay of SMTs and Ned for the underperformance of our coin, then we have a bigger problem in our hands.


Did you hear me? Let me say it again


You know, that magical thing where it's not up to a single entity or group to get things done. Where the decisions are not up to one person or board. That mythical concept of actually getting involved as part of the community instead of just waiting around and see if things change or improve. That weird idea some Steemians don't really get (or maybe know about it), that if we want steem to succeed, it's not only up to Ned and Steemit Inc.

Ned is slowly stepping out of the scene and if you ask me, that's a good thing. I like Ned despite what other people think about him, I think his vision for the Blockchain/coin is achievable but that's not my point. My point is that Ned and Steemit Inc slowly decreasing the community dependance on them is good, it will lead to real decentralization and the community taking the bull by the horns.

Decentralization means a French dude creating @dtube for video creators instead of Ned doing it.

Decentralizing efforts is showed when a pair of British guys take Steem and promote it in summits and conferences via @oracle-d, that's not Steemit Inc's job.

A true decentralized community translates into a ton of people taking over curation initiatives like @ocd, @curie and @qurator, instead of what happened at the beginning where @steemit handled most curation via trails.

You know, when @coruscate and I spoke with Steemit Inc about @steemonboarding, one of their feedback comments was We've been waiting for a year for someone to come up with this. This kind of initiatives have to come from the community, we don't have the resources to handle everything and even if we did, it wouldn't be a decentralized platform if we take care of everything".

You see, sitting down and complaining instead of getting involved is not the way to contribute with our community and our Blockchain improvement.

Not only pro devs can improve our current status as a community and our Steemcosystem. Yeah, they get shit done, but even us, non techy guys can get involved and help out.

Whoever is complaining about Ned or Steemit Inc and not doing anything about it, just sitting down waiting for the rainy season to finish, has no idea about how things work in a decentralized Miniverse.

This is not a rant focused in attacking one person in particular, I'm honestly furious about reading all the comments about "yeah but stinc sucks", "Ned should step down" or "let's make steem great again" without actually doing something about it.

Yeah, complain and criticize as much as you want, I'm not stupid, I know there is a lot to be improved around here and some could say it's up to Ned and Steemit Inc to do it. I've seen many whales criticize and actually doing something about it, there's nothing wrong in speaking out, I actually encourage it, but if you criticize you better bring ideas to the table, you better come up with solutions or at least work towards finding them. There's a few loud whales that criticize but at the same time propose and do their best to improve our community.

Go ahead, criticize, but get your ass up your chair and join a project or even better, create a solution for that which you criticize.

Ned and Steemit Inc are doing their best with what they have and how they can, but it's not up to them for steem to moon, it's up to us a community.

I've been wanting to rant about this for so long but I didn't have the balls to do it, maybe because I'm always shilling how awesome is our community and how much I love being around here, which is true, but reading all these comments and posts blaming an entity or a person while being part of a Decentralized community's drives me nuts.

This post is not meant to defend Ned or Steemit Inc, is meant to tell you: Stop complaining about how our Messiah or his company is not making you rich.

If you want Steem to moon, it's going to take more than just ranting about how bad things are around here.

Success as a community is going to take maximum decentralization.

It's going to take YOU getting involved.

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