STEEM TIPS: Keep posting on the way down and on the way up.

Look, no one likes a fair weather fan. Folks that come here when it's hot and leave when it's cold aren't that great for the platform. What this place needs is some steady hands on the investor front and steady bloggers on the active front. I was posting when I was making 7 cents. I did it because it was fun. I did it because I had things to say. I did it because I wanted this place to be better than it was.

Don't stop because the price went down

SBD are still close to 10USD. You still have an assload of rewards to collect. You still have things to say, draw, write, and express. Don't stop just because the price is going down. The fair weather folks might leave, but the investors stay, so you have a nice little opportunity here to post when some of the others are feeling too down and out to do it.

Don't lose faith. This is crypto.

If you're from Southern California you know the weather is gonna be nice. If it dips from 75 to 72 you put your sweater on and you deal with cold spell. If you're from parts of New England you realize the weather can change in 5 minutes. Crypto is more like New England in that sense.

This correction does crazy things. New money looks at this and says "holy shit, that's cheap" and now we have new sources of money in crypto. People that freaked and left are gonna come back when they see they sold too early and shouldn't have. This correction is gonna get some new blood in crypto, and that's good for all of us.

Will that take an hour? a day? a week? a month?

I don't know. I'm sorta assuming that we'll be mostly recovered by dinner tonight, but we'll see how long this lasts.

Crypto is a fickle animal. So, I have a suggestion to help you if you're the type to take a lot of money out of crypto as you're going. Find a price point that you're comfortable with. When it's less than that slow down how much you withdraw. When it's more than that speed up how much you draw down. You won't like pulling it out when you're up, but if you have already made peace with a number it should be easier, and it will hurt a lot less than having to pull out extra when you're down.

Price isn't all that important if you're not drawing down

If you're hodling it doesn't really matter what the price is. So, the rewards you earn now will be there when you are ready to cash them out.

Just don't stop Steeming cause the price is down. It should be back up before you know it and future you will thank current you.

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