Your content is worthless

Though, the place and importance of content creator on steemit cannot be overlooked. But content is as useless as rag without building a cordial relationship. You and I both know that content on steemit; without nobody to upvote it is nothing but a piece without no value, no matter the level of professionalism adopted writing such piece. We should know that steemit is not just a publishing establishment that buys and sells the work of authors. Perhaps one day, steemit could come to that among a million other things but right now, it isn't that yet, not even close. Building uneven relationship is the core on steemit to develop and earn a greater rewards. image
Some will ask, how do one build a relationship when we are having many steemians those that have the highest stake, whales, are their to support. Though, it is not far from the truth, since the world acknowledged those that can add value to them and not just those to come to take to from the pool with nothing to offer or contribute. It doesn't matter whether you have much money to stake in the pool as many would think. I remember when I first joined steemit, I had to take my post to those that I think would upvote it at discord, upvote for upvote. Little did I know that, such actions won't help, as the person that gives your content support today might denied you of such grace next day. I'm grateful a wonderful friend, brother that I met on steemit @soundwavesphoton that made me to know more and more as far as steemit is concerned. I'm indeed indepted to him. And I wont forget @flysky and @dobartim even though we are not close like the day one. I learnt alot from them too, they were the one that made me to understand that, in building relationships, there is more to stake, not just money. Your time, which we all know is money, commitment and consistency by making meaningful comments to those that have the highest stake on steemit. It was awesome experience with them, I practised it and it worked. I made more on comments then my original post. The only problem I might be having then was that my content might not have been good enough that's, speaking of what the community is expected or what will make people feel alive. Which is why I love @artguru perception on how to make one's content go viral. I learnt a lot from her content lately. It really helped me in organising my post. image

@tarazkp made a post somewhat month and I supported his opinion.

Your content is valueless in this messaging but your social network, the relationships of your life, the ones who can be influenced by the content you share, that has value. An immense amount of value as it hacks the word of mouth wiring we rely on socially to influence our opinions and decisions from within our own communities, the people we trust.

What many steemians failed to understand is that, their content will be valueless if it is not communicated to another steemians that will add value to it through various means; which could only be so, through relationships building among individual steemians. Like other social media such as facebook that doesn't even add value like that to people like steemit does. We have to know that it is those people you know that will 'like and comment on your peice unless your friends shared what you have posted. The same is also applicable on steemit. Steemit is more than just being a content creator. Of recent I made a contribution for @dapplovers @oracle-d.tasks I know the support I received because of what? my content added value.

You see, you need to add value to others if you want people to add value to you in return. In this life there is nothing like something for nothing. Life is more of give and take. You can't fold your hands and believing to receive something, is it possible? Absolutely No. You have to open your hands to receive a thing.

Acquire to aspire what you desire when you perspire don't retire but continue to refire.

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