Are you waiting for perfect time before you take action ?

To me I believe perfect time mean absolutely totality of something without giving room for any shortcoming whatsoever. So I guess there will never be a perfect time before something could be done whether in someone field of knowledge or in his day to day activities.

We all like waiting to do things when we believe the outcome will be great and yield immensely but does that really means the perfect time would ever come? NO, There isn’t One! Waiting for the perfect time to do something will never come some even say right time

“Do not wait: the time will never be ‘just right’. Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command and better tools will be found as you go along.”
Napoleon Hill

Take action now, never wait for right time which won't come no matter how hard you tried anticipating and longing for it. Just decide to use resources at your disposal to do something meaningful and on the way through commitment and a lot of hard work, it will surely looks perfect. Do not wait till you have all before getting married, do not wait till you have all the resources you ever needed before starting a project, do not wait till have enough before investing on this platform, you might say the price will come down tomorrow since it always does, tomorrow might be too late. images (45).jpeg

Never give excuses a chance in your life

It’s easy to say, “I will start when I have more money (capital ), support, experience, time and enough resources”. This is just flimsy excuse that will never seize to come if we don't take action, the only thing that will feel our heart is I will do it 'when' in seconds, minutes, hours, days, month and years will just be lapping , this time next year, you will have a lot more excuses. It’s a cycle. And once you get caught in the loop, it, can be difficult to break free and do something meaningful you care about.

Some of us live with the stubborn illusion that we will always have tomorrow to do today’s work since we already forgetting that tomorrow will never seize to come and we aren't remaining the same as we are last years, we are advancing in years while some consistently hold on to this belief and keep procrastinating until work becomes a heavy burden.

Do something now, tomorrow might be too late

“Don’t wait until everything is just right. It will never be perfect.
There will always be challenges, obstacles and less than perfect conditions.
So what. Get started now. With each step you take, you will grow stronger and stronger, more and more skilled, more and more self-confident and more and more successful.” — Mark Victor Hansen.

There isn’t a right time for anything in this life. There’s no such thing as perfect timing in any of our endeavors. Just remember if it feels right, just go for it today. Don’t wait until everything is just perfect or right because there will never be any of such. Though, it is normal to get yourself criticized and doubt the existence of success in what you are doing or thinking of venturing into but the only solution is to just act in spite of all odds. Invest in steem and stop procrastinating.

I still remain my humble self @adeyemidrey, feel free to comment, upvote and resteem. I hope you enjoyed reading, see you soon.

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