Hello strangers, my name is @fyrstikken, I am a STEEM-Whale, and this is a post about being a responsible whale and create jobs for the community us STEEM-WHALES live in.

We starting from the bottom:


Every couple of weeks Elisabeth arrives to make sure my feet are silky smooth, giving my whale-feet real whale-massage. Do not worry, my dogs also get a similar treatment but that is on Tuesdays and include full top to toe pimping, they of course also eat extremely well, liver, sweet potatoes, food fit for my Scottish Terriers. I love my dogs, got 4 of them at the moment.


Charlie is making sure Elisabeth is doing her job without hurting my delicate whale-nails, or cutting too much, I hate when she does that - but clean feet are important, and it does not do anyone any good if I did it myself - this way I get to spend some of that STEEM-WHALE Money I earn every day on people who really need the job, and pass the screening. But that is another story.


When I am back on my feet, I have to do some whale-work, which includes sending lots of people to this Bitcoin ATM among other things and make sure people are not screwed by the operator. These machines are great for people with less than $10K to purchase for, for larger amounts I tend to suggest with full verification for investing in altcoins, and to sell/hold cash because of the insurance policy that particular exchange has.


Some times I make parties in the name of STEEM, which as a WHALE, I am a CO-Owner of in order to spend some more of that whale-money to families with children, who does not like a nice big amusement park with water-slides during a hot summer?

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The KIDS are the programmers of TOMORROW, and in my districts, there are rewards for the children who learn English and programming, $1000 prizes to the kid and $1000 to his parents when they succeed, currently, I have 3 contestants, Maria, Carlos and Macarena, if their parents are successful in parenting them towards the goal, they all will become very productive blockchain geniuses in a short amount of time. I believe in them and wish to continue this moving forward once the success formula is secured.


Because of my pale skin, I cannot stay in the sun for too long without being extremely burned - so I had this nice wet-suit made so I too could enjoy the warm water this day, and I had a great day - us whales also like to swim :)


A day at the park makes a lot of people hungry, so why not invite them all to a winner, winner, chicken dinner - people get so grumpy when they are hungry, and we do want happy people around us - at least that is what I want.


Other times I have meetings with people of politics, or people who have influence to change politics. So I make sure to morally and ethically converse with these amasing people about trustless systems, anti government corruption, anti mafia establishment and do what I can to educate as many as I can about status quo, and what we as WHALES expect will happen in the future. I however do not economically support any politicians, that is how I stay non-political and relevant in non-crypto related issues us WHALES sometimes are asked to help solve. Here I am with George Forsyth, earlier professional soccer player, currently Mayor of one of the most important textile industries in Latin America. Since he came to power he has turned the district from a shithole to a majestic professional shopping center for vending of all things textiles and accessories for clothes producers and designers.

I hope he become President of the Country some day.

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As a STEEM-WHALE I also speak with Presidents of Latin American Nations, here I am with President Pepe Mujica of Uruguay after he had served as the 40th President of Uruguay from 2010 to 2015. A former guerrilla with the Tupamaros, he was imprisoned for 12 years during the military dictatorship in the 1970s and 1980s. A member of the Broad Front coalition of left-wing parties, Mujica was Minister of Livestock, Agriculture, and Fisheries from 2005 to 2008 and a Senator afterwards. As the candidate of the Broad Front, he won the 2009 presidential election and took office as President on 1 March 2010.

He has been described as "the world's humblest head of state" due to his austere lifestyle and his donation of around 90 percent of his $12,000 monthly salary to charities that benefit poor people and small entrepreneurs. according to Wikipedia

What is important for me is to actively push the cause of Crypto Currencies and specially STEEM which we successfully have established large LAN communities already, Venezuelans being the single largest group due to the crisis which neighboring countries have handled great by employment, plus the Venezuelans are great people who find work were there is work to be found, and because we all speak and understand Spanish, integration takes record time compared to
immigrants who need to learn the language.

At the end of the day, it is good to have a private driver to bring me to my next destination, home, hotel, airbnb, airport - I hate getting speeding-tickets, parking-tickets and drive, I prefer the back seat were I can also work comfortably from my phone and laptop, spending some STEEM-WHALE money on this is just trivial and I think everyone should concider it. Compared to owning and maintaining my own WHALE-CAR, I save over 75% on this arrangement, and us WHALES love to save money when we can. This is not exactly my ride - but you get the picture, this is how it is.


Back under the aircondition, is time for spending some quality time with my little favorite, Charlie.


Then it is time to crash before a new interesting STEEM-WHALE day begins with its ups and downs - I wonder what I will be doing tomorrow... :)

Stay in touch


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