It is down to just 6 players now, 2 teams and 2 going solo! Did they all make it?

This is where things get exciting. They could all die in an instant, or they could last for days yet. Until the others are eliminated, no one will be crowned a winner. Let's see how they did fighting that infection. Also, with so few players left, the players will now be mentioned with their choices, rather than being placed in the comment section.


OPTION 1 – Suck on some silver (For players/teams that have silver).

Unfortunately none of the remaining players had any silver. I still wanted to provide this as an option though, to help others think about things like this. Silver is a great way to fight infections, and can even work using crude methods like this.

OPTION 2 - Suck on the Magnesium Firestarter (For players/teams that have Magnesium Firestarter).

Originally, I just kind of threw this one out there as an idea, but there are some anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that Magnesium has. In a real life survival situation, I am not sure how this would work. No players chose this option though.

OPTION 3 – Eat this plant.

This plant happens to be Pseudognaphalium obtusifolium, but its name on the streets is "Rabbit Tobacco." It is used to treat a number of health issues and looks a beautiful silvery color when it is dried. These dried leaves can be made into a tea, eaten, or even smoked for medicinal purposes.

I featured this plant in one of my HELPFUL HERBS & PLANTS WITH A PURPOSE posts four months ago, shortly after I had encountered and learned about it. I now keep a jar full in the house and enjoy adding it to teas. Also, when you crush the dried leaves, the scent smells similar to Maple Syrup Pancakes.

The player who chose this option have successfully fought their infection and won! Congrats @jznsamuel! You are now infection free!

@jznsamuel – pistol (4 shots left) – vehicle - Must eat by the end of Day 10 to avoid starvation

OPTION 4 – Eat this plant.

This plant is a mushroom, technically a Morel mushroom. I did not want to give people a lethal mushroom for this round, since they already have infections to fight, so I gave them an edible one.

I featured this mushroom in my THE EDIBLE OUTDOORS series a couple of months ago. They are sure delicious and enjoyable, but they have properties to fight infections. Some varieties like the Shitake, Lion's Mane, and Oyster mushrooms can have positive effects on the human immune system and help fight infections, but as far as I know, the Morel is not one of them.

Only one player, @deepapoudel, chose this option. The infection was therefore left untreated, and they perished. Thanks for playing once again @deepapoudel and great job making it this far! Please join us again next season if you want to!

RIP @deepapoudel

OPTION 5 – Eat this plant.

This plant is Mullein, and it is another excellent wild plant with some very useful properties. For years now, the @papa-pepper tribe has been using it to help with a number of ailments. Here is a bit of just what one source reports on this herb.

The leaves, root, and the flowers are anodyne, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antispasmodic, astringent, demulcent, diuretic, emollient, expectorant, nervine, and vulnerary.

I featured it 11 months ago in my HELPFUL HERBS & PLANTS WITH A PURPOSE SERIES. The players that chose to eat this plant were able to safely eliminate their infection.

@provider – rifle (0 shots left) - Magnesium Firestarter - 1 Ration Backup Food Supply - Must eat by the end of Day 10 to avoid starvation

@gregory-f – rifle (0 shots left) - 1 Ration Backup Food Supply -Must eat by the end of Day 10 to avoid starvation

@keepdoodling - rifle (3 shots left) - water purification tablets - vehicle - Must eat by the end of Day 10 to avoid starvation

@bycz – pistol (3 shots left) - vehicle - 1 Ration Backup Food Supply- Must eat by the end of Day 10 to avoid starvation


The group of whatever men still remain are out there somewhere, plus who knows what other dangers there may be. Thankfully, the infections are gone and our players are feeling a little better.

Food will be an issue in the next day or so, but at least some of the players have a backup food supply.

As the players continue walking through the woods, they begin to hear noises behind them. The more that they move forward, the more the noises continue to follow them.

The players continue through patches of woods and small clearings. hoping that they can catch a glimpse of whatever is following them so they can begin to better evaluate the situation. Sure enough, soon, something emerges behind them and enters the clearing.

A dog exits the woods and looks towards the players. It still has a collar, so it was at least once a pet. Now, though, who knows? Is there someone with it? Is it alone? Is it a wild dog now? Is it friendly? Is it the leader of a wild pack of dogs that will hunt down whoever they find? We will see.


  • OPTION 1 – Attempt to shoot the dog (For players/teams with guns and ammo).

  • OPTION 2 – Attempt to run away from the dog. (On foot for players with no vehicle, in vehicle for those who have one.)

  • OPTION 3 – Attempt to climb a tree to get away from the dog.

  • OPTION 4 – Attempt to offer it your backup food supply to make friends with the dog (for players/teams with a backup food supply). If a team chooses this option, please let me know who's food supply you use.

  • OPTION 5 – Attempt to make friends with the dog by slowly walking towards it.

By way of reminder, I have predetermined all the outcomes ahead of time. The end result of each option has already been decided. Also, please only reply to this post if you are an active player who is participating. Currently, only five people are still playing, 2 teams and 1 solo player.

Once this season is over all others will be able to join in when I do my Season 5 signup post. Thank you.


Choose carefully as this will be a severe elimination round. (That means that more options lead to death than lead to life.) If all players choose options leading to death, then you will each receive just over 200 SBD each.

Each Player must reply with their decision within 24 hours of this post. Players that do not reply in time will be considered lost and dead, and will have to wait until Season 5 to join back in.

Also, please be sure that you make sure your reply is registered on the blockchain. Some players did not have their replies register in previous rounds, and were eliminated because of it.


The current Prize Pool is 1050 SBD. Isn't it neat that I can do that?

Until next time…

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