Get ready for Steem hitting million transactions per day!

Checking out @arcange's latest statistics, I noticed that the Steem blockchain is now processing over 700.000 transactions per day.


That's already more than any other blockchain. But what is more important is that we are getting close to surpassing the magical one million transactions per day in the near future.

When that happens, it's time to make sure that everybody knows about it. We should be sharing and tweeting it everywhere, not forgetting press releases to cryptojournals. The goal is to make it the most talked topic of the day in the cryptosphere.

From a marketing perspective, it's perfect. It's not baseless hype (like most of the blockchain marketing), it's the real deal: Steem is the most used blockchain in the world and we are making everybody aware of that fact.

What is needed?

We should have a counter that shows "transactions in the last 24 hours" and also shows what the current record is and when it was hit. And when the million tx line is crossed, the counter should so the timeframe when that happened. Preferably a website or a page in Steem-related website so the link easy to share. It should so the relevant information clearly, not buried under other charts and numbers.

It's not enough to say that "Steem is the most used blockchain". Some people are still skeptical about Steem, so it's best to tell exactly when the record was hit if anybody wants to double check it.

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