My First Year at Steemit - An Overview

Dear friends and followers,

after being a member of steemit for one year, I thought it would be a good idea to share some of my highlights with you.


This is actually my 444th post, while I made 2,897 comments.
That's about 9 comments/posts per day.
I registered as user number 28,396 at July, 19th 2016.
This was my first steemit post.
I voted more than 16,000 times, which means that I voted more than 43 times a day.
(Stats by

Hello World

This had been my introduction post:

Who am I?


In the beginning I made some steemit related designs:

Steem Advert Design Concept

Just Steemit Viral Poster Campaign

Steem-Billboard Ad Design Study

And also a steemit video opener:

Steemit Video Opener


I started to post poetry:

Poetry Slam Challenge 4: Ping Pong

Artificial Steemit Poetry

[Image by Christopher Michel (CC-BY 2.0)]

And that was the beginning of an artist friendship with @opheliafu, who was the first person, that resteemed one of my posts and also the first one, I did a collaboration with:

Dolly [at the steemit-theater]


I did several collaborative artworks for the "collaborative art journey" offered by @everlove ...

"Artist's Eye" - My Collaborative Art with @everlove

... one with @skapaneas ...

My collaborative art with @skapaneas "Ropeman Dali"

... and some with @katharsisdrill ...

Collaborative Artwork with @katharsisdrill - Disco Queen

... which actually led to my most important collaboration on steemit...

Phill from GCHQ

The most important collaboration for me was the idea to translate the webcomic about "Phill from GCHQ" by @katharsisdrill into german language. It led to a vivid and very inspiring cyber-friendship with this danish steemit-artist, that I never experienced before in all my internet history. I translated 35 pages until now and after a few pages @vcelier jumped on the train and began to start a french translation. I'm very happy, that all the pages and their translations are now also viewable at the Phill's website.

Phill vom GCHQ - Seite 1

Spreading the Word

I tried to bring interesting people to steemit:

Im Rampenlicht #1 - Jazzgitarrist Hagen Horn
Cindy Lane - This artist does amazing paintings of whales and dolphins
People I like to see at steemit - Joseph Herscher
Im Rampenlicht #2 - Künstler und Musiker Achim Zepezauer


I started a daily art series 11 month ago, which I first called "doodle of the day" and then changed to "Artwork of the day" later on. As of today I did about 90 posts in this series.

Doodle of the Day #1 - Sax 'n Phone

Here are some more examples:

My most undervalued Art-Posts - Meine übersehenen Art-Posts #1
My most undervalued Art-Posts - Meine übersehenen Art-Posts #2

Recently I also started posting about documenta and other art exhibitions

Documenta 13: Geoffrey Farmer - Leaves of Grass/Grasblätter
Documenta 13 - Thomas Bayrle Airplane/Flugzeug
Documenta 13: William Kentridge - The Refusal of Time
Documenta 14: The Parthenon of Books / Der Parthenon der Bücher


I also started a photography series called "Heaven and Earth", which had 16 parts until now:

Heaven and Earth 1 [Original Photography]


Heaven and Earth 16

Steemfest in Amsterdam

I was lucky enough to be able to attend Steemfest1. Here are some of the posts I made about it:

Artwork of the Day #54 - Steemfest Scribbles
Steemfest 'Tobacco Theater'
SteemFest Inspiration #1 - Rucksack Orchestra
SteemFest Inspiration #2 - Follow your Passion!


My most notable how-to post is this one about the two column design, I use for my bi-lingual posts:

How to design a two column post - Wie man einen zweispaltigen Post gestaltet [english/german]


My most important philosophy post is probably this one about truth:

Es gibt keine Wahrheit, außer dass es keine gibt

Here is the english version!

Notable German posts - Interessante deutsche Posts

Besides english, I often post in german language, because it's my mother's language and there is also a very supportive german community at steemit. Here are some interesting german posts:

Warum Orwells "1984" wieder Nr. 1 Bestseller ist

TIL: Martin Luther war ein Hassprediger
Warum ich meinen Freunden gesagt habe, sie sollen WhatsApp und Telegram nicht mehr benutzen
Euer Laserdrucker arbeitet für den US-Geheimdienst!


As music is one of my greatest loves (besides art), I also did some posts about it (mostly in the context of #danceweekend).

What's your favorite Anti-War/Peace-Movement Song?

Electronic Dancemusic from People I Know


One of the coolest experiences I had at steemit, was the the abilty to buy art with cryptos. I'm still so happy, that I bought this artwork from @yoganarchista

TIL: Buying Art at Steemit is the most satisfying Experience

I also recently started a series, where I sell my own artworks:

Art or Garbage? - Ist das Kunst oder kann das weg?


Another cool thing you can do with your steem, is to help other steemians in need. For example, I recently donated steem to help @girlbeforemirror covering her healthcare costs. Earlier I also donated some steem to a homeless steemian in need.

There is even a charity NGO at steemit, which you can support with your votes.

Bottom Line

My first year at steemit was a wild ride, that already changed my life. I met so many interesting people here, that I was able to collaborate with, like never before. I even consider myself being a blogger now and maybe I can manage to make a living out of my writing and art...

That would be my wish for my next year at steemit!

Thanks for reading and steem on!

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