Hi steemians .... As a freelance painter / illustrator I have accepted to drawing a few books for several publishing companies. Here I want to share with steemians a book published by the company. The title of the book is "Sam and Jerry's Space Advanture". The most interesting and most appropriate book is read by school students to increase their knowledge and to spend their leisure time. As a designer for the books I should needs to understand the content of the book's authors and interesting performances for publishing companies. Here I share some tips on how to paint the pictures and book cover besides inserting some of the stories caption’s related to the contents of the books. Hopefully you are entertained and let's play again in a steemit world with challenges, determination and patience ...



As the spaceship lowered, Sam and Jerry saw a jungle. Thick trees grew in abundance.
Their leaves were so broad and close together that they formed a thick canopy. As the boys
were looking, the sky grew dark suddenly. It was covered with some moving spots. The moving spots moved nearer and nearer towards the spaceship. Oh no! The spots were actually flying creatures and they were heading towards the spaceship.
Back at the main deck, Dr. Nick and Dr. Amelia dropped their jaws when they saw about
50 or so gigantic monitor insects approaching the ship. “Quick, turn the spaceship around!” Dr. Nick ordered. His face was as pale as a ghost’s. Dr. Amelia quickly turned the ship around to avoid the creatures. It was too late! The creatures kept pecking at the spaceship with their strong wings. The ship jolted as the wings of the creatures bounced it off.
Meanwhile, Sam and Jerry stood rooted to the spot as panic chocked their throats. “We’re being attacked!” Sam cried. In the midst of the commotion, the children heard the announcement, “Return to your seats, we’re going down!"....

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Stage 1:

Draws characters or material based on scripts given.

GG 1.jpg

Stage 2:

Arrange the materials drawn into a drawing based on the given caption.

GG 2 copy.JPG

Stage 3:

Color the subject one by one

GG 2A copy.JPG


Stage 4:

Build the appropriate background.


Stage 5:

Build a variety of special effects techniques on the option layer.


GG 2EF.jpg

Stage 6:

Make a glow effect on the subject.

GG 2EFG.jpg

Stage 7:

Having satisfied this is the last choice of painting.


Other pictures.

Earlier, the two best friends had won a space writing competition and the prize was a trip to space on the famed star ship “CHAMP”. They were filled with hope and excitement as they made their way to the door of the spaceship. Once inside, they ‘oohed’ and’ aahed’ at the amazing gadgets and electronics on the ship. The children had read about them
but had not seen them with their very own eyes. Eventually, boredom set in. Sam and Jerry had been warned by the captain not to touch any button without his permission. The ship was cramped and there was not much space to move about. There was not much to do on board the ship except to gaze out in space or to watch some DVDs supplied by the ship.

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Night was falling and the forest became dark and deep. Not a creature stirred. Here and there the gigantic fungi glowed red in the dark. Although it was quiet and still, the foursome could sense danger lurking at every corner. Earlier, Dr. Nick had briefed them on survival skills. They were to use the jet-pack attached to their spacesuits to escape from danger. A jet-pack is like a personal rocket. Propelled by fuel, it can lift the wearer into the air by the touch of a button.Suddenly, from somewhere behind them, a twig snapped. In the dark and the quiet of the night, it sounded like a gunshot. Everyone’s blood turned to ice. Dr. Nick turned and switched on his powerful torch. Sam and Jerry gasped as they saw some monster-like creatures with red eyes and long snouts coming to them at top speed. They were snarling and were going to make a meal of them. “Use the jet-pack!” Dr. Nick ordered. The group jumped and flew up to the branches of a nearby tree. The pack howled and snarled at them before moving away.

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The children watched with interest as the dinosaurs fought tooth and nail for survival. Finally, the T Rex sank its sharp teeth on the Triceratops’ belly. The Triceratops put up a struggle but the T Rex overpowered it. The T Rex began ripping the Triceratops’ flesh greedily. Blood was dripping from its jaws. Chomp! Chomp! Chomp! The foursome watched in horror as the aggressive dinosaur crushed and broke the bones of the carcass and swallowed them.
“Dr. Nick, I’m very worried. Do you think the T Rex will come after us?” Sam asked tearfully. He was thinking of his mum’s reaction when he disappeared from Earth. Jerry was also very quiet. What if the adventure ended in disaster? How would his parents cope?Although Dr. Nick was worried, he tried his best to remain calm. “I don’t think it’ll come
after us as long as we’re in the spaceship. It’ll probably look for another big animal to assuage its hunger,” he said. Dr. Nick was right. Right after filling its stomach, the T Rex went into the jungle, still bellowing. Sam and Jerry hugged each other. There were tears of relief in their eyes. “Can we leave this place now, Dr. Nick?” Sam asked. “I hope so. Amelia, could you check whether everything on the spaceship is in order?” Dr. Nick said. Dr. Amelia nodded. She went out to check the spaceship thoroughly and was relieved that there were only a few scratches on one of its wings. She said a silent prayer to thank God for protecting them. “Nick, we’re all set to take off,” Dr. Amelia said.

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