Steem Cartoon Challenge #1 - Elf


In celebration of their new steem logo(created by @cartoonistpandan ), @perennial hosted a steem cartoon art challenge. In this challenge we're supposed to make a drawing based on the provided theme (this week is fantasy) with the new steem logo which symbolizes the steem-cartoon community. Here is the (sick)logo:


It's been a while since I've heard of the word "fantasy" so I couldn't think of anything right away. Then I googled some fantasy characters and got orcs, goblins, elves, dragons, gnomes, etc. Okay so I chose elf, what next? Since witches are the most commonest fantasy character I decided to do a warrior or a swords(wo)man or a paladin or w/e.


I chose not to do a gif this time since I made a lot of mistakes I want to explain on. steem.jpg
The pose I have in my mind.
Retraced it to be a little bit more clean. Added more details to the hands and sword.
So over here I decided I wanted short hair and her eyes to be closed. Added the knight arm guards and a little cape around her.
Since I couldn't think of anything for the chest I decided to do the lower half first. I wanted to make her robe fly up due to the wind. Can't say I don't have the new steem logo if it's clearly there.
I have up on her chest at this point. I thought about adding a chest plate but it didn't look good and is illogical to me, so I just finished her robe.
I'm not about that sexy life so I prefer more clothes than less clothes ;). Therefore I gave her pants.
This is the part where I did an extra revamp since the anatomy was wrong. What's been bothering me the most was the side the face was facing. It wasn't really facing with the sword so I had to redo the face and shrink her head and neck a little. Then I made the sword position better. Also added a little clothe near her collarbone area since it looked so plain. I could've gone back to the original short hair but then I realized that if the wind was blowing up her robe, it wouldn't make sense that her hair is still down... guess I'll have to make her hair fly up too. And long hair in the wind looks a lot better than short(in my opinion.. for art, not real life..).
Self explanatory for the next few. Base colors.
Dark colors.
*Quick note: when it comes to white areas like the cotton/fur on the cape, I tend to use a lightish purplish color for it. Bet you didn't catch that ;)
Light colors.
Smudged a light blue color around the sword to give it an aura glow. As for the background, I used 3 colors: top is a dark color, mid is a little lighter, and bottom is a light blue color.
And the final one. Here I went crazy with the background. Added sparkles, orbs of light and blue lightning around the sword to give it that... MAJESTIC feeling/look to it.

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