a little history

So Here i am living in the great white north of Canada (docent really snow here much in Vancouver tho)
Ah the land of socialized public health care (its actually not a bad system)
Im originally from the USA but came up here with the folks when i was a wee lad
I was just forging my meat hooks over some old family heirlooms and oiling up a rifle from the civil war
Born in California but,
thought i would post some pics of my Minnesota roots back to my great great Grandaddy
Heres a pic of him in his Uniform, the Minnesota mounted rangers. he fought in the civil war and later the American Indian wars.

cool thing is i have that very rifle in the pic, Burnside carbine , one of the first breach loading rifles they issued to the calvary troops... here it is beside my Martin guitar , nice and freshly oiled.

Now no post like this would be complete without some old coins, real money, stashed away for generations

And finally some old bank notes , before the civil war each state coined its own money and issued bank notes backed by gold, these are really cool tho in rough shape, someone probably crinkled them up in their pocket a lot

One thing i really enjoy about old coins is the history that coats them, much like the rifle which actually has etch marks for kills, its an amazing feeling holding history and i hope to plunder many more bars and coins from the treasure trove of coin and bullion shops here in Vancouver.

My next dream is finding some pirates coins
Hope you all have a great day

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