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Going green is so important for us to keep animals and other wonderful things on the earth save.

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If we are not careful, we will have more plastic in the sea than fish. 

I was watching this program on television and then I thought I always say we must teach our children to become creative.  

If it was not for the creativity of this man we would not have been able to use so much plastic in such a good way. 

He must have learned about creativity as a child. 

He says he was in India and saw how they took their rubbish and plastic into potholes and set it alight. This was the way they fixed their potholes. 

When he got home and his little daughter said in class when the teacher asked what was in the sea, she said plastic. He then realised that if something is not done, there will be no fish left in the sea as it is very bad to all the animals swimming and living in the sea. 

He then started to experiment with plastic and developed something they put into the mix when tarring roads. 

He said it took some time but they came up with pebbles that can be added to the mix of the tar. 

He has now had a road that is already three years old that still look like it was done yesterday and the old road that was tarred at the same time is full of potholes.

 I am putting a small video in here to have him explain but he is now doing two things that we cannot believe. He is making better roads as well as getting rid of plastic that we do not know what to do with. 

courtesy of you tube

We should really teach our children, that going green is not just good for the world but also that we need to find ways of getting rid of our rubbish in a creative way. 

That is why I always say it does not matter how intelligent you are, you have to still have creativity. 

Do you realise that is we can get rid of all our rubbish in a creative world how wonderful nature will become again and how wonderful life would be. 

God gave us this wonderful planet to live on and he expects us to look after it but are we really trying. 

courtesy of you tube

Fortunately there are people who have creativity and the use it in a good way for all of us. 

So teach your children why going green is so important as there may come a time when their children might not be able to see the wonderful animal we have now and that would be extremely sad.  

By taking down the forests for their wood we are taking away their habitat as well, and they will just die out as they will never know where to go and live. 

courtesy of you tube

I really hope this will let children become creative as there are so many things that they can even make like furniture for their doll houses or aeroplanes and cars as well for the boys. 

So do not throw everything away first find a way to make use of your plastic and other rubbish. I hope you enjoyed my post and have a wonderful day from me. 



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