Steadfast To The End

Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage. Galatians 5:1


Beloved brethren, Christ by His blood have purchased for us the liberty to serve God without guilt. The good news is that even the vilest sinner is given liberty in Christ Jesus. We have been bought into righteousness and liberty.

In order to enjoy this liberty, we must steadfastly stand in the same power that made us sons in God's family. This is not a time to play church. This is not time to be lazy and take the grace of God for granted. This is not time to fornicate, lie, be drunk, defraud, hate or backbite. It's a time to stand and be steadfast in Christ, for the judge is at the door. Stand in holiness, refuse to fall again. You have the liberty to stay out of sin. Be different and separated unto Christ.

Let's pray. Heavenly Father thank you for the liberty to be holy. Please strengthen us to stand in Christ. Let every entanglement with sin be destroyed today in Jesus name. Amen. Cheers.

Remain steadfast

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