Statists Fear Freedom and Keep the Rest of Us in Chains


Anarchists don't want masters over their lives or over the lives of other people. Anarchists want real freedom.

Statists can't imagine a world without government, because they lack imagination and vision to change towards what is better. They are the ones who will never accept real true freedom, and keep the rest of us enslaved through their fear of a life of real freedom and all it's problems and unknowns that we have to deal with on our own, not begging government to deal with shit for us. The comfortable, "safe" and "secure" knowns of how we live now, are prefered to the uncomfortable unknown chaotic potentials we face in true freedom.

Statists prefer the devil they know, rather than need to learn about the unknown and understand how to create a better potential future. Laziness is a key factor in rejecting the need to learn more about how to create freedom through morality. For some reason they can imagine a worse reality without government through their fear. Fear is preventing them from using their imagination to see a better reality without government. They are afraid of losing stability they have now, that they know and are familiar with, even if it is immoral, rather than face the challenge to learn to create a better way of living and have zero-tolerance for lies, falsity or immorality.

Without imagination, all you can do is create the same thing you have that you already know. All a statist can create is more statism, oppression and enslavement. They can't see how to do something different. For them, government control is an absolute part of humanity. They can't understand how it would work otherwise. They are ignorant and chose to remain that way, rather than actually learn.

This desire for statism, couched in pseudo-freedom speak and fear of real freedom, is often expressed by their own words towards others. Supporters of government are anti-freedom. They fear real freedom, vigilance and responsibility it requires to stand for and defend truth, right, good and morality as individuals. They fear not having the government in control to make everything a relative "safe-space". Anarchy wouldn't work for them, or others like them because they can't handle the personal responsibility to truth and morality that comes with not having any masters to control your life.

Government is not required for us to live. Does that mean government must go tomorrow, or the next day, to understand the better moral position of an anarchist compared to a statist? No. Government is likely to remain for years and decades, especially so long as people refuse to see a better future without it. Those who won't learn and wake up to better moral living potentials, are only going to be holding the rest of us back.

Don't argue with people who don't want to learn on their own. The information is out there for them to learn if they actually cared to. Present information, but to try to get someone to accept it is at your own waste of time and energy. Most people don't care for truth to want to know truth from falsity, right from wrong, they are merely content believing whatever suits them and makes them feel "right".

Share the information for everyone who wants to learn. Trying to make someone accept information when they don't even care to learn why it's true or false, is like trying to spoon feed someone who isn't even hungry. If you really want to help them, help them understand how to think and how to learn. That's the defict that prevents them from learning about statism, anarchy or anything else. They don't know how to think properly. Fallacies, biases, and more, are preventing them from being able to honestly evaluate information or understand the importance of truth and learning.

Real freedom is not being oppressed and coerced into immoral schemes and ways of living. Real freedom requires objective morality, with people who understand morality deeply enough because they took the time, energy and effort to learn about objective morality. Not simply decided and justifying something as "moral" because you want it to be.

Failure to truly understand morality, and the potential better moral future we can create, is the reason we move so slowly towards morality as a species, and why we sometimes stagnate or go backwards. Few people really care about morality at all. Most simply assume whatever they do is "moral", yet have no accurate comprehension of what morality even is and how to determine what is or isn't moral.


2016-11-24, 1:45pm

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