YES, it worked! Steem added to!

Remember my simple but apparently very effective act of asking to add Steem to their dApp platforms? Well, it worked!

I just got the good news:

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[Screenshot from tweet]

Look at that, on the right, we are now standing proud next to Ethereum, EOS, and POA, and @dtube, @steemmonsters, @steemit, @esteem and @steemhunt appear to be the dApps that are first reserving a visible spot on the frontpage.

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I suspect this will be rearranged a bit once data comes in and rankings start shuffling around. Take a look at the Steem overview page to see the current overview of Steem DApps. DApps that are missing can be added via their submit form :-)

My last post got a lot of traction and that kept me energized the past 2 days - it's so much fun to do something so simple and feel the appreciation of the community.

I want to thank @starkerz who got the full @oracle-d tweet storm magic going through their Discord. The StateoftheDApps team even commented on this community activity to me in Dutch 'Nice action you got going here last night!' - I saw their team was liking a lot of the replies with top 5 dApp from the community, so it looks like they appreciated our enthusiasm and it might even have upped the speed with which they added Steem to their website. Thanks to everyone who participated!

I've seen a lot of positivity from @fundition, who replied to basically everyone mentioning them in their 'top 5 dApps', and also @utopian-io and @actifit. Thanks for the support guys! Seeing all this twitter activity made me realize even more how we have to be present there so we can reach more people outside of our little Steem bubble.

Now last but not least: @therealwolf build and launched his (alpha) and thanks to very nice timing he will now work together with State of the DApps to add transaction statistics, which means information will be streamlined on both 'our own' and

And to think it all started with a simple tweet not even 48 hours ago:

Cheers guys! Keep doing 'little things', they won't change the world today, but they add up in the end.

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