Crypto Assault - War Is Coming, Let's Get Ready [Review]


Playing game is one act that many people engage in for various reasons. I may be right to infer that, at a point in everyne's life, they have played at least one game. Some people derive joy from playing game while some just do it to kill boredom. Have you ever thought about the idea of mining cryptocurrency through playing game? Now someone will be piqued to know how possible this is. Well, you should look out for Crypto Assault.

[Image from Crypto Assault. Edited by me]


Crypto Assault, just like the name suggests, is a combat gaming environment that is built on Ethereum blockchain with the purpose of rewarding gamers with cryptocurrency for their advances in the game. The nature of the game is designed in such a way that players or gamers have the mandate to raise a virtual army which they will groom and use to battle against other gamers for territories. The number of territories a gamers is able to take over or control will determine their reward in cryptocurrency.

In order to make the game more real, the entire gaming platform is designed in 3D and it simulates the real world in a virtual environment. Crypto Assault has a very unique feature: it is a hybrid game that integrates both off-chain and on-chain properties. This is one of the reasons Crypto Assault earned a place in the State of The DApps ranking. For the on-chain aspect of Crypto Assault, a player must buy a least a unit of the gaming packs which will give the player the access to tokenize their gaming experiences.

A gaming pack comprises of weapons that will enable the player to raise their army and gain command of their territory. Each gaming pack varies from others in price and in content. For example, a warlord pack is more expensive than a basic pack but it contains more weapons and will enable the player to command more territories and in turn, the player will earn more cryptocurrency.

[Image screenshot from Crypto Assault]

Asides the tokens a player earns by battling against other players, everday, a satellite containing stacks of Ethereum will crash on any random territory. The more territories you have been able to gain command of, the better your chances of having the satellite crash into a territory that is owned by you. If it crashes, the entire Ethereum will belong to the owner of the territory. So basically, the battle in Crypto Assault is a battle of territories but your victory is also dependent on the type of battle pack you have.


There has never been a better way to play game than for someone to be rewarded in cryptocurrency for their gaming experiences. Asides the fact that players get payed in cryptocurrency, every move they make and every level they attain will be saved immutable in Ethereum blockchain. As a player advances in the game, they will have more stars (until they get to the maximum of 4-stars) and they will have more cryptocurrencies at their disposal to get more sophisticated battle packs with heavy armors like tanks, choppers etc, to increase their base, just as it is shown in the game trailer below.

[Video credit: Crypto Assault]


To get started with Crypto Assault, you need to create an account in Crypto Assault portal. Crypto Assault is Ethereum-based, so it is advisable to install Metamask plugin in your browser. This will help you to make your transactions, store your cryptocurrency, pay for game pack, etc. Once you have done this, you can start to raise your army and buy any desired game pack.

To raise an army, you need to log into Crypto Assault with your sign up details, if it is your first time to log in, you will have the option to "start your own army". After the first log in, subsequently, you will not need to start an army, you will just fortify them with game packs and war arsenals.

[Image screenshot from Crypto Assault]


First of all, I will give a big kudos to the creators of Crypto Assault for their idea to incorporate blockchain and cryptocurrency into gaming. I will also give kudos to them for the realism they brought to their gaming environment. In my opinion, I will suggest that if an update will be made to integrate an internal exchange to the game where cryptocurrencies can be exchanged internally, it will be a major boost for the game. On the overall, I give Crypto Assault a 4/5 rating

Disclaimer: The content of this article is not meant to serve as financial advice, please do your own research.

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