The Last Jedi Luke


TLJ Luke is what you get when you spend decades telling someone they're the chosen one. And then something goes wrong to destroy their faith. He’s finally shown to have some flaws, and isn’t just Male mary sue. It was also the most reasonable explanation as to Luke’s disappearance and Kylo being a sith
If you weren’t happy with hermit luke blame JJ for writing Rian into a corner. I think part of why I resonate with TLJ Luke is that I am so familiar with mental health issues of my own and I know what it's like to spiral and spiral and feel like you're lost and not in control, and that there's nothing you can do. Or perhaps there is something you can do but it won't change anything and that's without me having indirectly caused the death of many, many people I'm in charge of and look after. But I also think the movie rightfully framed Luke as in the wrong.
The First Okiro made a YouTube vid that explains how Luke in TLJ was an example of character assassination almost akin to Daenarys suddenly going mad in s8 of Game of Thrones. I understand why there are people that like how Luke was depicted and I think that's valid. But at the same time, I'm aware that it's narratively dissonant to his established characterization, especially since there was little to nothing in between post-ROTJ and TLJ that explains his sudden change. Most explanations I've heard/read were mostly theories from fans saying Luke had trauma/PTSD to defend TLJ which is understandable. But in the end, these are all mostly filling in the blanks that the movie barely explains so maybe other media (novels, comics) would retroactively make it make sense.

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