The Acolyte First Impressions


I tend not to look at ‘official’ ratings like imdb or rotten tomatoes. I always want to go in unbiased to the series. So far I think the storytelling feels fine. I was mostly worried about the fight scenes, but the kung fu so far is great, and fits with George’s original inspiration for the franchise in the sense that it has roots in (similar) philosophies. My personal experience before Acolyte is that the shows that have nothing to do with the force, such as rogue one and Andor worked well in live action, while force/clone-based shows worked better in animation. I think this show might change this view, it might not. I think everyone should go in with an open mind and wait until the show is done before thoroughly criticising storytelling and character, since those elements take an entire story to tell.

I am someone who does prefer weekly releases, but an unintended consequence of them is people making absolute judgement on the series when it's only 1/4 completed.
There were so many conversations back when Ahsoka was airing where I just saw people saying how the show was breaking things, making certain characters dumb, etc etc, the nitpicky criticisms, and I was just sitting there like... bruh, we're only on episode 4.

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