Star Wars blog #10: AT-AT's on steroids

Good day Steemians! I saw an update on new images from the upcoming Star Wars movie and these images are fairly unique. And I'd love to hear your thoughts on them! The images were from the article that I read referenced below.


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The first image is he newest type of Star Destroyer. It's a little flatter compared to other designs. But it is GINORMOUS!!!


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It's called the dreadnaught warship. The guns sticking out of the bottom are for shooting at planets. And did I say this thing is big? It's 25,162.8 feet long. That's a ship that's something close to 5 miles in length. Holy cow! It looks daunting and might well be a terror in space. You would definitely be able to see it from the ground.

Next is the newest version of the AT-AT's. And they look like they've been on supplements and hitting the gym. I can't quite describe what they look like. It will be interesting to see how they walk. The thing looks like a saber toothed gorilla. And it's got this freaky huge blaster thing on its back. This walker is designated as a AT-M6. Director Arian Johnson actually said that these were modeled after a gorilla, so 🤦‍♂️. What I thought I was seeing wound up being the inspiration for the walkers.


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For me, the big take away for me is that he First Order wants things bigger and with more guns. Will bigger be better? Or, will they just provide bigger explosions? We will soon find out! The Last Jedi hits the theaters 3-1/2 months!

What are your thoughts on these new weapons? Is it making you more excited for Star Wars? Does it make you want to roll your eyes? It would be great to hear your thoughts.

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