VIII Sucked Because I Am a Horrible Person

So I think it's time I address something lighter. Time for me to address some more geeky shit instead. Specifically I am going to talk about Star Wars and how not liking VII and VIII don't make you a bad person and the reasons you are given as to why you are bad are complete bullshit.

I am a nasty misogynist, man baby who is afraid of women because I didn't like VIII...or so I am told. So I asked the person who accused me of this-I asked her what I was because I also did not like the Independence Day reboot. Am I a misogynist because I thought THAT movie sucked? She looked at me unable to think of what to say-but luckily the guy working behind the counter came to her aid and banned me from the comic book shop we were in. Apparently you can call someone names but if you ask them a couple questions you get banned. But I digress. No, this is a new thing we are seeing from people defending movies they really like. And it's fine if you like it but hand waving all criticism and well reality just because you want to fling insults makes you look childish, condescending, and rude...the things you accuse others of being.


Solo a Star Wars movie actually LOST money for Disney and the lead was a straight white male so now what? What can you say about that? The straight white males hate to see a strong white male in their movie? This make sense to you? Solo's failure to capture a profit is a clear indication that a lot of people are not cool with the new Rian Johnson Star Wars direction (even though he didn't direct or write Solo). And it isn't just the "straight white male" garbage we see on twitter that don't like see people who make this accusation forget that Star Wars is a WORLDWIDE fandom. VIII bombed in China...those fuckin white males amirite?


Because this story has been around for 40 years you have fans sometimes in their 80's now. People who are voicing their opinion on this story who have been in it since the beginning are being told they aren't real fans because they have criticisms. How utterly foolish and haughty to even think this. The sheer guys had a word for this phenomenon...Whenever you see some "bros" dissing a woman online calling her a fake fan or had a term for this what was it? oh yes Gatekeeping...right gatekeeping. Yes, certainly telling the old guard that they can fuck off because they aren't real fans any way is in no way, shape or form gate keeping. Right. Maybe the old guard have seen Star Wars in its best years and want to try and recapture that? Is it just easier to call them names and tell them to STFU? I guess it is.


I think VIII sucked but I am wrong because it made a lot of money? Well yeah, that's true-it did. Here's the thing though-did Disney issue refunds to anyone who didn't like it? No. So my money is in that pile of cash that VIII pulled in. Now ask yourself this-how MUCH of that pile is made up of people who didn't like it, hated it, or would have rather waited to hit up redbox if they knew what a disaster it was going to be or something? We can't really know for sure. And what is "a lot" when in reference to a film that costs so much to make, market, and produce? How much was invested and what was the return? What is the average return an investor looks for? you can find all this out if you have an internet connection-you do-so do it.

On the subject of money I am being told that if I don't like the new stuff then don't watch it. Fair enough I guess but consider this. Disney like any corporation wants to make money-lots of it. They bought Star Wars thinking they could get a golden goose that would lay a new egg every year or two. That's not art, that's not usually how meaningful stuff is made. Profit as a motive is fine but when it's your ONLY motive in the artworld your creations will likely suck. And that's what we have now. I think it's no surprise to anyone reading this that I won't be rushing out there to get a ticket to IX but to those who will be just think about this for a moment. What I once viewed as art is now nothing more than a bland, "cheap", shameless corporate media grab for cash. I'm actually saddened by all this but I'll live.


I'm also told that I didn't get the movie "I" wanted. Well let me tell you something right off the bat-it's hard to be let down and disappointed when your expectations are so low they're sitting next to dinosaur bones but yeah-that's a fair statement. I went into VIII with no fan theories, no "ooo what ifs" or any of that crap. When I was a kid I didn't sit there thinking about all the awesome things that HAD to be VI in order to have a good time. I went into this thing as I went into all other movies of the same caliber, like the Marvel expectations. If I went in thinking "ok whatever" I can only imagine the people who went in hoping for something good. They must really be pissed.


"Well what do you want, no film is perfect" Yeah, true and I don't expect that. Who does? VIII failed to stir emotions in me-it failed to capture me or my attention. Other films that have serious problems do not have with me. It's purposely being obtuse for the sake of defending something you like-of course no film is perfect-stop acting like that's what we wanted.


If you like the new Star Wars stuff then fine-I have nothing nasty to say to or about you and I find it odd that at the mere utterance of it being a crap film I am met with such vigorous defense. You say it's just a movie and to let it go-how about you live by that too? Nevermind the assholes...if you've ever been to a sports game you've likely heard thousands of people heckle players-in unison no less. Taunting and teasing and being an asshole sadly is in a lot of people. You can't change this sadly and if you think whipping out blanket statements like disparaging someone's criticisms based solely on their gender or race-if you think that DOESN'T throw gas on to the fire-well welcome to the internet. I think VIII sucked but I never tweeted at Rian Johnson or any of the actors...because I have shit to do in my life and if you do too focus your energy there instead of throwing insults at people who don't like what you do.


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