Star Trek Discovery Review After s01e04

hello everyone.

i have watched the fourth episode of star trek discovery. as i published my review belongs to three episodes, i decided to publish my review about the fourth one:

captain lorca is becoming more charismatic man by the progress of the series. he may become most charismatic grey character of star trek series. as a captain, he is very focussed to his character and his focus is too much to avoid human ethics. he has no issue to torture a "being" to defeat klingons.

in this eposide, he gave a mission to investigate the "being" which has similarities with targirade[1] which is the microscobic biological creature that is able to live in space. we understand that the "being" is also able to space travel without needing any ship or external costume. it is more like an animal and there is no sign seen yet that show it is an intelligent life form from one angle. it is just from one angle cause we saw that being connected a computer interface as a supercomputer to navigate the vessel for a super speedy transportation techonology. the technology allows the spaceship discovery to appear any place in known universe.

we have seen on star trek next generation a ship which is also biological. a betazoid who has a super telepath and also friend deana troi[5]. star trek voyager is also showed us biological based ships and technology of species 8472[2]. the species was from liquid universe and is very advanced to destroy borg cubes and borg war spheres very easily.

the timeline[3] of star trek discovery says it is before james kirk and mr. spock but the technology is never appeared or mentioned in the series which are later timelines. star trek voyager showed us star ships which are able make time travelles but this does not seem different. i hope coming episode does not mess the timeline of other series and explain us how is it forgetten or banned...

american cliches are still going on the black girl as a copy of "jack reacher"[4] model. jack reacher is a very american cliche hero on the movie that has super intelligent, has super sixth sence and super of everything... the black girl has just a sadness for losing her captain. that is all. we saw the dead captain send her will to black girl with her good wishes bla bla bla. the dialogues with of her with her room mate with red hair are not enough to make closer the series realistic. she still seems like a half-goddess of greek mythology who is a bastard athena[6]

the amateur security chief's murder by the being was a "oh yeah" moment for me. the being massacred a whole of ship filled with federation crew and plus; killed many of klingons but somehow, discovery's techonology found a way to take it under control and keep it in a cage(!). oh shit! i hope they will explain it. anyway, athena's bastard solved the case with spore capsule...

the visual effects of star trek discovery is most advanced one ever in cinema history but its scenario quality we have seen in first four episode was equal to iron fist scenario quality which is known as the worst marvel & netflix common project[7].

i am still having issues different klingons of the serie. i hope they willl explain it well, too. it is much more than any known evolution that may be happen in a few century. i saw a few explanation tries[8][9][10] on websites but they could not be enough to convince me. it is obvious to see the new klingons has inspired from antique egypt[11], a turkic cultures[12].

it is a pity but understandable after 9/11. the cinema's new bad guys are middle eastern after the paradigm change with soviets' collapse. we saw it on strike back[13] but it is becoming more obvious that muslim cultures are the new enemy of hollywood.

keep in touch for the next episodes.

[11] the klingon messiah barried his first lost in a pharaoh's tomb.
[12] the geometric figures at klingon ships are very similar with turkish classical artitechure in the middle age, easily can be seen on the blue mosque and oghuz turk's has 24 tribes like klingons has 24 dynasty. check out here:

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