The Mess When Starting a Blog

Many a time I have sat and despaired looking and think of what to write about the gurus of the internet say things like following your passion find your niche, I love photography, with my day job I don’t have time to write tutorials do videos and I would grind too hard on them. Spending weeks if not months to put together a piece of work. I could write a tutorial on how to shoot a portrait which would take time or I could do ten things to do with cheese and possibly get the same amount of traffic from the internet. You see it seems at times that the internet is a world of reduced returns I may be wrong but unless you stick to your topic and run with it readers yours will go elsewhere, why because people know what they enjoy and stick to it. So here I am having a wide set of interests but not a clue which to stick too. I suppose the key would be to stick to one they grow, some say to start with a multi-niche site and reduce as you go that works but you end up a few months behind.
When you have a stream of thoughts which cloud your mind it's difficult to land on an idea, or a subject which you can, one write for a very long time about and could be potentially profitable. Saying that you can make a profit from almost anything today. Make your own products or sell affiliates products.

I’m writing this because I am in that position I am looking for a dead cert way of doing this and I think I am failing.

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