My name is Fidah and this is my story....
7 years ago at age 16, I got into the university. It was a miracle because I had given up hope in gaining admission that year and had registered and started taking lessons for another jamb.
I was excited to finally leave the house where I was always been monitored by my parents and older siblings, Freedom felt so good, I wanted to leave as soon as possible. The day came, and off I went to School, ALONE, the journey lasted about 8 hours and I couldn't wait to get to my destination, see my house where I wud be staying alone.
I arrived late in the evening, was picked up by an Uncle and driven to my new home.
I was a little disappointed as I expected a mansion but it was just a self contain, I was really tired but I needed to arrange my stuffs. Water wasn't running in the house and I had to go fetch from the well, another disappointment.
I picked my pail heading for the well and that was when I saw him... Dark in completion, of average height and had this bad boy look. His hair was curly, his trouser sagged almost to his knee, his shirt was open and even though he wore a sparking white singlet I could see his muscular features. I looked up and met Tiny sleepy eyes with brown pupils and a really long natural lashes for a guy staring back at me.. oops!!! I looked away, went to the well, and started drawing out water. I could feel his gaze on my back, I wondered what was running through his mind, he must think I am lame for staring at a man in such manner. I hurriedly fetched water and literally ran to my room. My heart was pounding, I got to work immediately cleaning and washing stuffs.
I was almost an hour into cleaning, singing along to the music playing from my phone when I looked up and saw him standing at my door... Him again!!
"HI" he said "eemmm, you are new here" he laughed nervously "welcome, what's your name?"
"Fidah" I replied "Feeder like baby feeding bottle" he asked and we both laughed "Nope, Fidah as in F-I-D-A-H".
"oh, okay,is there anything you will like me to do for you?"
And that was how we got talking, how sometime later he asked me to be his girlfriend and I agreed, how we started a relationship that lasted all tru school. It was full of joy and love, tears and hate, he cheated on me, beats me even publicly but that was the least of things to come...
The journey was just about to begin after graduation.....
Watch this space for continuation... PhotoGrid_1528801519958.jpg

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