He was an orphan who suffered every blessed day, he struggled alone at the tender age of seven. He was hungry and urgently needed something to eat, no one cared, they all passed him by, therefore, he was forced to steal a little bread to quench his hunger.
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The salesman screamed"THIEF!!!!!"
The angry crowd mobbed at him, beating him mercilessly. Blood streamed down his face, he begged for mercy but the crowd didn't heed to his plead, they didn't even consider his tender age .
He prayed silently to survive the violent attack and vouch never to repeat such act again. The beatings ceased, his body felt numb, just when he thought it was over, they flung heavy tyres over his head, filled with fear he knew his end had come. He felt something drip down his body with the awful odour of fuel, they lit a match and set him ablaze.
He wailed in pains, the pains of being burnt alive.
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Smile crossed their faces, they felt satisfied because a thief had been eliminated, they jumped and jeered in joy with the feeling of fulfillment because to them something had been achieved. What a cruel country!
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This boy's family were killed in a bomb blast and the government did nothing for him, he roamed the street because he had nowhere to go and no one cared, when he was hungry no one still cared, but when he STOLE TO QUENCH HIS HUNGER everybody cared, they cared about eliminating a criminal but didn't ask why he did it. A BOY OF THAT AGE BURNT TO DEATH.

If those angry mob really wanted to eliminate criminals, why didn't they attack The bad Government Officials and set them ablaze since they are the ones embezzling public funds and imposing hardship on the citizens. Who is the real thief here, the boy? Or the bad Government Officials?
This mob couldn't set them ablaze they rather chose to end the life of this helpless boy. MAY HIS SOUL REST IN PEACE.

I believe in KARMA, I believe if you put out negative vibes to everybody, that's all you're going to get back. You get what you give, whether it's bad or good.
If you take justice into your hands and kill people because you think it's right you'll definitely harvest the fruit of destruction which you sowed because " men are not punished for their sins, but by them".

Let's all put an end to this. The people who indulge in this act think they are stopping criminals by killing them, that's MURDER for crying out loud, "JUNGLE JUSTICE".
Why don't we let the law take its course? Why do we take the laws into our hands?
This menace needs to be curbed so that such incidence might not repeat itself,
Let's all say NO TO JUNGLE JUSTICE and work together to make our society a better place.
PEACE AND UNITYπŸ‡³πŸ‡¬πŸ‡³πŸ‡¬πŸ‡³πŸ‡¬

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