Starbucks Free Black Coffee is a Hoax

First of all,

Let me defend Starbucks stating I am sure they're not racists. Just b/c of the incorrect actions of one manager in Philadelphia, it is not fair to extrapolate that the whole company is racist. The CEO is closing all the stores for a day to "train" their employees on race sensitivities. That's putting their money where their mouth is.

And second, I boycott Starbucks of their anti-family, anti-Christian stance. If someone on STEEMIT should comment below on my obscure post, I'll follow up with an article to defend my position and expose the company and its leaders of its anti-Christian stance (to be fair, they're not anti-religious--they're pro-Muslim).

And third, wake up and smell the coffee! There are so many more cafe's all round the country that make much better coffee than Starbucks does, and often at economical prices. Just b/c it sounds fancy "venti machiatto with an extra shot of espresso" doesn't mean you have to pay $5 for it. IMHO.


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