Just regular people

You may encounter them on your street, in a cafe, or in a museum. They prefer same breakfast as you and listen to similar music. They smile and leave generous tips. They received a good education, and now their business is booming. Besides, their kids are so sweet. Beautiful faces, beautiful bodies.

Regular people from Russia. They suffer from sanctions. They couldn't get dollars from an ATM, couldn't buy their favorite BigMac or Roquefort, or an legal iPhone, and had to overcome additional hardships to spend their holidays abroad.

But look at the delight and joy they experience from the news of the mass death of civilians in Ukraine from Russian bombs. From the fires that destroy homes, medical clinics, business center, shops. How they savor the intricate details of torture and suffering. "Children are killed? They deserve it." They raise a toast and hope that it will become a tradition. They are proud of their country now more than before. Just a regular people.

(After the news from Vinnytsia, I felt so terrible yesterday that I had to take few pills.)


(photo credit)

The winter was long and tense. The spring was bloody and full of terrible news. Death, destruction, refugees, nuclear threat. Ordinary people suffer from stress, inflation and rising prices. But now is a wonderful summer time - a time of relaxation, travel, parties, cocktails and warm meetings. After all, there is no war in their country. Soon they'll have to return to everyday routine - studies, career, loans, home repairs, heating prices. The winter will be long and cold...

Ordinary people are not interested in politics. Politicians often lie and manipulate, and it is usually even more difficult to understand the politics of another country. Who is right there and who is not - they cannot be sure. But they are certainly against the war. Let's just stop this monstrous war. How much longer will all this last? The more weapons Ukraine gets, the longer this will go on, isn't it?. What is needed for life to become prosperous and peaceful again, as they used? Maybe Ukraine should make concessions and give part of its territory? This is only 20%.


source - Alex Bokoch on Facebook

This text is again not what I was going to write about. And not about you, hopefully. But this text is the reality in which you and I live. Russia has opened Pandora's box, and this is not a local conflict, and none of us will be able to go back to February 23th, 2022.

We are facing a wave of global inflation, local deficits and a chaotic recession the likes of which the planet has never seen before. Not because there were no bigger waves. It happened, but then the world was not so integrated, so it was easier to survive local escalations.

When the active phase of our war ends, we will not recognize the world we will see around us. Difficult times await us all. Strange times, very strange times...

In the meantime, all you should know is that Ukrainian people will not surrender. We didn't start the war, but will fight until the end. There is only one way to end this war - to help Ukraine.

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