Growing up at 52-Transparency-Not so Untouchable

Yep, 52 and I had to grow up.

Not in the house payment, raise kids kind of growing up. I already did that. Responsibilities abound. House payments, car payments, credit cards. Good Times. Been there, done that.

Nope, I was blessed enough to live my life in this child like innocence until i was 49. Don't get me wrong, I have had ugliness, a friends suicide, a best friend stabbed to death by her husband, my childrens "other mother" dying in her sons arms. Lost love's that I just knew would be forever. I know sadness and heartache. But I was able to hold onto an innocence about life. I believed if I kept my "vibration" high enough, ugliness would not reach me.

Now I know that ugliness and arrogance has ruled my life for the last year, at least. I watched my son in law, convince my daughter that I was an issue, suddenly, out of the blue, (their is a 20 year age difference, my daughter is young.) at the exact moment that grants became available for homeless people. I went to the homeless shelter. I was there 4 days and received one of the grants. There were 8 of them and of all the people that were in that shelter for months longer than I, with children or other issues, I receive one of the grants. My son in laws reward for participation in this woman's scheme? (He is friends with her friends) He received one of the suburbans that helped to stalk me, on the very day i fled town in sheer terror.

The woman that issued the grant to me, rents from the lady that stalks me. She gushed about how much she loved my stalker. What a nice lady she was. She also knows my narcissist ex, as he is my stalkers maintenance man. They were having an affair while I lived with him. Both my ex and the secretary admitted to me that their was an affair. In a way, my stalker did as well. When I told her they admitted the affair, she did not deny anything, did not question why they would say such a thing. No, her response was, "she wouldn't do that to me". Well, she did. They both did. People get tired of having to cover for her sloppy self and they spill the beans. I am thankful for those people. They have helped me understand and verify stuff I was figuring out on my own.

I was told repeatedly, this woman would never leave me alone. I admit, she did a lot of damage. I do not speak to my sister anymore. In my mind, I do not have a sister. She has helped me tremendously throughout my life. She has been very good to me. I wish her no harm, as a matter of fact, I hope her dreams come true. I will no longer tolerate judgment. She lived her life "correctly". Student loans, law school. Proper. Life will work as it should. I believe that.

I have lost friendships, reputation, respect. My beloved Sally boy. How screwed up of a human do you have to be, to steal someone's handicap kitty? Do you feel powerful stalker lady? Did you enjoy manipulating my landlord into stealing my mail and allowing you to bug my apartment? How many times did ol' Chad from the front apartment rummage through my stuff? If that is your "go to" agent... seriously? He would leave the door open, drawers open, he basically stunk the place up. Dug up all my plants, dug through my flour. Seriously?

This CIA agent/ drug lord chick, using the church as a front. I'm pretty damn sure of that.... she has screwed my world up. Beyond reparations. The story that goes with this stalking, that involves our personal lives and her personal vendetta is that of a movie. I am pretty damn sure i have enough evidence to take this woman down too. But all I want is my Social Security, medical insurance, which I did get. I am pretty sure she messed with a lot of my services that I tried to obtain in Texas. She made sure I never received a response from the EEOC. I never received any mail, except credit card offers after she had her meth cook steal my identity from work. My friend paid for a magazine subscription for me. I never received one of them. She had my landlord gathering my mail. I am sure she filled his head with lies. She was going to frame me. Again.

She is definitely experienced at this stalking thing. I am not the first person she has done this to. I must be the only one to call the FBI and CIA on her. She was feeling pretty untouchable when dealing with me. The men in the trucks with the pretty lights that waved and smiled at me as they slowed at the end of my driveway probably never imagined i would have pics. But i do. I had a preacher man tell me to stop taking pictures and writing things down. He dismissed my declarations of self defense and stated I was building a case against them. I was antagonizing them. The audacity to tell me to NOT try to defend myself from a woman that is trying to destroy me. I truly believe this preacher dude was going to do harm to me one night. He showed out of the blue, basically told me to submit to them, and then grew very anxious and nervous when he found out my friend was in my bedroom. I was afraid to be alone, she had agreed to stay with me until I left. He didn't like that she was there.

How many people has this woman destroyed? Too afraid to stand up to her. Too much to lose. How many lives have been destroyed? She got her feelings hurt with some words and look what she did to me. Although, with her refusal to take responsibility for her actions, it becomes my fault she had an affair with my ex and was kicked out of the estate of her husband.

I will not minimize my story. She knew that from the start. I may not have the money she has, but that does not make me less. I have contributed to this life in a way that counteracts every thing I have witnessed from this woman. She has violated my rights beyond measure. All because I saw right through her from the very start. Instead of figuring out why she had such feelings of inadequacy and becoming a better human, learning to love herself and feel better about herself. She took those feelings and projected them onto me. I became her reason to hate. Her personal vendetta for all of her mistakes.

The thing is, she could do great, positive things in this world. She has the money and plays the charitable game. There is where the problem lies. She is so concerned with reputation, and hiding her truth. It's all a game to her. A game of status and judgments of "not good enough" because you are not like me. There is a definitive attitude of "I've got a secret" mentality. I know something you don't know so that makes me "more". What a hard life. Screw that.

I fled across the country, but was told they would find me no matter where I went. So, I have decided to keep telling my story. To be transparent. I will keep taking photos, keep documenting anything I deem suspicious. Better safe than sorry. Especially with the statements made to me that she wouldn't stop until I was in jail or the psych. ward. Silence does not feel like an option. She goes on Quora with her minions and tries to mock me and insult me.

She has forced me to look at who I am. She has stolen my identity, my photos, my medical records, my personal writing. She has taken friendships and family.

She thinks she is the good one. She thinks she stands above me.

I understand that we all stand side by side. We all contribute in ways we may not recognize at first. Or ever for that matter.

My rights have been violated. I will not minimize my story.

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