Poetry Slam Contest Episode 5: ADAM speaks

Source: ExChristian.Net

Oh such joy and heavenly peace,
In a garden abundant with laden trees.
My thoughtful God is so good to me –
'Cause from my side he fashioned Eve.
Sweet companionship for better or worse....
and the garden provideth and quenches our thirst.
From the trees we ate - we had permission,
All but one - was God’s only prohibition.
That was no problem – there were so many trees,
We were happy that we could do as we please.

Then one day evil came a-tempting.
In the form of a serpent – his teasing unrelenting.
Eve said “sorry I must listen to God”
The serpent said “eat the fruit - you will be awed.
Your eyes will open – you will become so wise,
Good and bad will become clear in your eyes.
Oh but hear me – you will rejoice,
Or stay in darkness - you have a choice.”

Eve was delighted and ate the fruit,
However, she decided to tell me the truth.
I said "no problem we are in this together,"
Eve said "for better or worse – I do remember."
I tasted the fruit - ‘twas good indeed,
We had no spite – we threw away the seed.
I could not resist, the fruit looked so delicious.
Although I knew this was not judicious.

We surely knew of what we did.
When God dropped by, we went and hid.
God said to us, "you are both disobedient,
You should never listen to an evil serpent!"
Although the “first couple” we had to leave the garden,
From God the father – there was no pardon.
Our eyes now opened because we took the bait,
From figs leaves, clothing, we now create.
Hand in hand we departed accepting our curse,
Forever, together - for better and now worse.

I would like to thank @stach for this contest. The original link to the contest can be found here:

The poem must contain or convey the message "FOR BETTER OR WORSE"

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