The One Biggest Secret of the Winners “Perseverance”

Very often life brings forth its best of challenges and hurdles and expects humans to make their best of jumps. Oh yea!


In life the two greatest enemies one has to overcome are fear of failure and fatigue.

You get some good ideas, put together befitting plans, and all goes well until you meet your first failure. Or you jump into a job, enjoy a few successes and then realize that there are so much more works to be done than you have ever expected and your energy fizzles away.


Here is perseverance which overrides both failure and fatigue and keeps one going through both hardship and drudgery.

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For the dreams burning within us to be fully achieved the principle of persistence has to be acquired.


Perseverance is not a long race; it is rather many short races, one after the other. It is the hard work you do after you got tired of doing the hard work you’d already done. Very funny huh!

Perseverance is falling down seven times and standing up eight times. Some people let one failure thwart their dreams but successful people use failures as stepping stone towards their next success adventures.


Mistakes could be made, even serious ones but there is always another chance for you, for the real failure is not the falling down but the staying down, therefore keep pressing on!

Remember most battles has to be fought many times before winning, however, instead of giving up, convert it to a character and wait for it. Bad times are usually the period a good learner should not miss out.


Finally, perseverance has stood over the centuries as a necessary ingredient of the geniuses, the companion of the wise. It’s simply a way of holding on, yea, giving in just one more chance, one more trial, one more time…….


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