Chins up, What's meant to be will be.

There are certain things we don’t get to decide… Like who our parents should be, what town/tribe to come from, complexion and in my case what school you attend.


It’s just your fate that things are going that way in your life. There are so many things that happen to us and we can’t just fathom why.
In most cases, we work so hard on changing ourselves to what we deem as “perfect”, but on the inside we know too well we’re far from being perfect.

We create fairy tales and illusions and practically live in it in order to fit into the society, but at the end of the day we are all imperfect.

Yes, according to “famous quotes” you’re suppose to adjust yourself to be whoever and what ever you decide to be right?
But there are things that are not just meant to be, like you being your faculty president, treasurer, Governor etc. We feel terrible and unfulfilled when we don’t succeed in what we’re doing.

You want to be a model and you have all the qualities yet u don’t win! Sweetheart, it’s not meant to be.
You’re buying form for modeling for the 13th time, aarghhh.. Sister do you still need a seer to prophesy to you that you’re not meant to be a model.

Yes, sister Chima stayed five years at home before being admitted in the university, That is sister Chima for goodness sake! Your destinies are entirely different!


Nkechi married a doctor, you too want to marry a doctor! You keep wondering why Nkechi should be that lucky when you’re better than her, you forget that your destinies are entirely different.

Stop comforting yourself with Abraham Lincoln’s story, you’re not Abraham Lincoln. You are you! I don’t think you need to work so hard to be comfortable, go at your own pace.
Life is a mystery we really don’t have all the answers….

Sometimes we need to hear so many Nos before we get the one YES,
We might need to kiss so many frogs before we find our prince charming… The road to success is fraught with pain and rejection but each NO takes you closer to your big YES…

Always remember you will need only one YES to make you big break! Be it business, relationship, admission, job offer, marriage proposal etc.
Just be patient and keep your head up, we will all make it to the finish line… life is a roller coaster we just got to ride it.


There’s no manual for a perfect life, the earlier people realize this the better. We meet and hear about successful people all the time, wait for your turn, move at your own pace.
See you at the top.

® Ufakobong King Solomon

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