
In the morning, he and his wife got up. After the shower, wearing robes, it was time to prepare for the day.

“What is this all about?” She ridiculed him. “Stop acting like you don't know. This is about the mess you left in the kitchen last night.”

“Is this really about the dishes? Are you seriously talking to your husband like this because of a plate?” He shockingly asked?”

Their 6 year old child walked in on them in the kitchen.

His wife looked at the child then sneered at him and said, “We are getting late. The kids are also getting late for school.”

He gently grabbed her hand to lead her to the bedroom.

“My love, we need to talk,” he told her.

“We don't have time! You have a deadline, I have an early morning meeting at work. The kids need to get to school. Stop rushing me,” she reluctantly said.

“Kids, prepare for school. Mummy and I will have a chat. We will join you to have breakfast then we will leave,” he told their three children.

“But daddy, we will get late for school,” said their first born.

“You have never been late. But today, there will be no harm getting to school slightly late. Don't worry, I will personally talk to your teachers,” he said.

“Woop! Woop! You are the coolest dad,” cheered their naughty second born jumping on to the sofa as she turned on the TV.

The couple walked inside their bedroom. Closed the door.

He got her to sit on their bed and he knelt next to her, placing his hand on her lap.

“We are getting late,” she said with a cold tone.

He rubbed her waist and said, “Shhhhhhhhhhh, it doesn't matter, this is important. I don't want us to get caught up living life that we fail to address issues.”

“So there is an issue?” She asked.

“Yes, my dirty plate on the sink,” he said.

“Don't worry, I will wash it,” she said it as she made attempt to get out from the bedroom.

He pressed her down to make her remain firmly seated.

He looked deep into her eyes as if searching for her soul. She felt naked before him.

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