A people without priorities

"Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things which matter least." The truth of these words are ultimately what distinguishes the wise from the foolish, the meek from the mad. Every single student of LAUTECH today, regardless of his/her level at least has an inkling of the situation on ground. As of today, the accreditation process for the institution officially began, putting the school in a very delicate state. Setting that aside, it is no longer news that in an effort to balance the school's academic calender the management will be running a very short semester. All the facts mentioned above constitute a part of why the events that occurred at Sifax today was so saddening.

  General rep David whose only intent was to hold a tutorial with the sole aim of helping his fellow students was viciously assaulted today. Why? Because some people, insecure in their authority considered the poor fellow a threat. To make a bad matter worse, Com. Pele the NAAS president and a person who should've known better escalated the issue. He was seen and heard vehemently shouting that the tutorial would not hold. A statement any diligent fellow knows no constitution backs. In an even more dismal twist of events, hooligans hiding under the banner of LAUTECH S.U.G showed up, threatening the wellbeing of the very people they are supposed to lead!

    Mahatma Gandhi said, "Action expresses priorities." If that is true, then everyone who in one way or the other impeded that tutorial showed that their academics is secondary to their political pursuit. They showed without doubt that nothing else mattered to them. 100Level is what makes or mars a result. Yet without thought of consequence, some people put the result of others in jeopardy.

  Before retiring my pen, I would like to ask each student involved in today's debacle the following;
  • What does a responsible student gain from disrupting an academic programme?
  • Can a person who picks political agendas over education still call himself/herself a student?
  • Would any parent who witnessed your actions today be proud?
  • What exactly is your mission in LAUTECH?
  • What does the president of any association gain from dragging his name and that of his organization in the mud?

It would profit us all to think this through before throwing away the hope of a bright tomorrow for the ephemeral pleasures of today.

A Concerned Naasite

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