Dear Maggie,

Trust this note meets you well. I scarcely see you these days, and it is not because you have moved away. On the occasions when we run into each other, I see that tell-tale twinkle in your eyes that makes me realize my little girl is now a woman.

Whenever I see that look, it reminds me of how it was when your mother and I were courting. It also reminds me that I need to share a few things on relationships with you. I call them The Tests…

The idea is to help you decipher if this is what you want to be in for the long haul. You know, of course, that relationships are not some rollercoaster you get on and off at will?

The idea is to use these pointers to check whether he is the kind of man that you will be beside, behind or bidding bye.

• Sharing Test: How ready are they to share with and give out to you of their time, talent and treasures? Even when it is not convenient…

• Strength Test: Is this relationship/marriage a place where you can multiply strength spiritually, financially, emotionally and socially? Or is it a place where your weaknesses and failings are shoved in your face (at every opportunity)?
Does it draw out the best in you – or the worst?

• Respect Test: Are you prepared to mutually respect each other, first as individuals and as a couple? Will you respect his opinion and honour decisions individually or jointly taken?

• Resolution Test: Would you resolve issues (quarrels inclusive) amicably or would they have sequels and anniversaries? Will you learn to disagree to agree and not hurt each other in the process?

• Habit Test: Are you really willing to accept his person, plus shortcomings? Will you accommodate his unsavoury traits and characteristics, knowing you are imperfect too?

• Hardship Test: Are you willing to pass the time test and weather the storms together? Are you prepared to stick with him through thick and thin and take the good, the bad, and the in-between by his side?

Note, my dear, that those tests that I have directed at you should also be applied to him. How does he weigh on those scales?

If he, or you, cannot attain a pass mark, you should reconsider.


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