Tales of Tonia - 3

After the proposal, I began to see Bode in a new way. I looked at him with more admiration and I respected him more.
That night, Bode didn't sleep in our hotel room. He told me he was going to have a business meeting through the night but will be available at the early hours of the day. I tried sleeping but I couldn't. I was used to Bode in this bed with me.
At 2:38am Bode came into the room to charge his phone but left immediately. I didn't see him till almost 5am.
He looked tired when he came back and I just allowed him sleep, so i could equally sleep.
The next morning, I questioned Bode about the authenticity of the Business meeting and he was like "Why would you think I would be with another woman on the same day I proposed to you, in the same hotel? Haba Tonia, is that how low you think of me?"
I let it slide, I just asked if there was really a business meeting, I never said he was with another woman. But I let it slide for peace sake, I was not going to allow us slip into one of those baseless arguments we normally have.
We ate breakfast and decided to go see one of his friends. We all went to get ice cream and Pie while we talked and laughed about our experiences in Paris. We were there till evening.
Bode wanted to go with his friend to get something from his house and I insisted on following him instead of going back to the hotel to be alone.
Bode didn't seem pleased that I had to go with them. I told him I was going with him to make sure he doesn't spend too much time there so we can have some alone time as I would be returning to Nigeria the next day, at least spend quality time with me, he's been distant for almost two days now and I told him so. Bode suddenly flared "Follow Follow, what is it sef, anywhere I go, you want to follow, Handbag!"
Woaw, like seriously? My mood was ruined. I just asked that we spend quality time together and he thinks I'm Handbag? I kept quiet but I wasn't happy. Bode has began to act like I was the only one in this relationship, Do I even need to tell him to spend time with me before he does? Knowing well that I would be leaving the next day?.
The ride to his friend's place and back was a quiet one. I just wanted to be in bed.
As soon as the Cab stopped, I hopped out and walked to the reception to get my room key. There was nobody at the desk, I had to walk outside to meet Bode. "Please there's nobody at the reception, and I need the keys" I asked quietly
"what do you want me to do about that? You are becoming too demanding and it's annoying" he stormed off to the reception angrily.
At this point, I just couldn't take it anymore and to avoid saying things I would regret, I decided to take a walk. At least, that would calm me down. As I walked, I did a lot of thinking. Was I really becoming annoying and demanding? I tried to be honest with myself. I wasn't familiar with Paris but I found myself walking down to Greg's house, that's Bode's friend we had visited earlier. It was a 20 mins walk and I was feeling better by the time I got to his place. I didn't go in, I just sat on a bench by the road. I brought out my phone to dail Bode. He had called me once. I tried calling him, his number was busy so I messaged him telling him I was in front of Greg's house and my phone would go off soon. I told him if in 10 mins I didn't see him, I would walk back to the hotel because my phone would have gone off and I wouldn't want us missing each other on the road. I waited 12 mins, and as soon as my phone went off, I started walking back to the hotel. Maybe Bode didn't get my message.
When I got to the hotel, I sighted Greg and another familiar face so I decided to sit outside and call Bode. He was furious when I called him, he said he was in a cab and had gone to Greg's place and couldn't find me, so he was on his way back.
I sat outside the hotel waiting for him. I saw him come down from the cab but he didn't look my way, he just went straight to his friends. I can't tell if he saw me . Where I was sitting was quite dark and it's possible he didn't see me. He called me about 10 mins later and I told him I was sitting outside. He came and I was expecting him to just Pet me and everything would be alright again but No, I dunno what got into Bode "Tonia, are you stupid? Are you mad? I will Slap you this moment if you don't stand up and follow me this minute"
I couldn't believe my eyes "What has come over you Bode?" I asked. He wasn't having it as he grabbed my hand and started pulling me towards the hotel. I freed myself from his grip, what nonsense. He was coming at me again. I ran, into a darker corner. I picked a stone and threatened to throw it at him if he tries dragging me again. He looked at me and went ahead to grab and drag me. I threw the stone at him. It was a very close range because he was standing just by me dragging me and I just realized it won't hurt him. Half of me expected him to dodge it but he didn't and it hit him, he acted like his life was over and left. I wasn't bothered. We were too close for the stone to have hurt him. So I just sat down there calming myself so I could go in in about 5 minutes. As I got ready to go meet Bode, he appeared again. This time his hand in my face, pulling my face, Jezzzz. I stepped backwards first and when he tried coming at me again, I held his shirt and started asking what I did to him to warrant such treatment.
He tried choking me and when I still didn't leave his shirt, he called his friends. They came and asked me to leave his shirt that a woman doesn't behave this way blah blah blah. I was disgusted, I was angry. Why would Bode want to embarrass me this way?. I was pained,and I must return the favor. As I let go of his shirt, my hands came in contact with his neck chain. It was pure gold and Bode doesn't joke with it. I knew cutting it would really pain him and I wanted him to feel what I was feeling so I cut the chain.
He became calm or so I thought till he suddenly busted out "Tonia you cut my chain? Haa, your own don finish today". I hurried to the reception to get the key. This time, there was someone there, a lady. Bode was beside me in seconds and before I could say "Jack", he collected the keys and refused to give it to me. He left the reception with his friends following behind.
I sat there, leaving shame behind and I wept. I wept for what Bode had suddenly become, I wept that I was going through this when I thought my trip to Paris would be pure bliss. I could hear Bode telling his friends that he was just trying to help me and I'm misbehaving that on a normal day, he cannot see a thing as ugly as I am and stop. I wept even more. Like seriously? I have suddenly become ugly and a thing . A hand held me. It was the receptionist, a black woman, she said nothing, she just held me as I cried. After about 20 mins, she spoke "You need to take you bath, you are soaked and exhausted. I will get the keys for you" she stood up and walked outside. In a minute or two, Bode was with her. "Go, go and take your bath" she urged. I was scared of going alone with Bode who has suddenly turned into a beast but I went into the elevator with him anyways.
We got to our room and I started to park my stuffs. I didn't want to have a bath, I wanted to leave. I would get a room in this same hotel and leave tomorrow. Thank goodness my flight was early.
I finished parking my stuffs and I reached for the keys to leave, I heard the most thunderous sound, Bode had slapped me, it was heavy, like really heavy. I could feel liquid coming out of me, did I pee on myself? I couldn't tell. He bounced on me, threw me to the bed and tried strangulating me. I screamed. Who knew I could scream that loud.. I screamed till there were banging at the door. I knew images (7).jpeghelp had come....

  ***To be continued ***
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