In our world today, your status and where you find yourself depends on how much you know or what you have to offer. I got the topic of this post from my school’s motto which states Knowledge Alleviates Poverty and decided to write something out of it, so I assure you that this post is ORIGINAL.

What is knowledge?

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Knowledge is the information one has acquired through learning or experience. It brings about awareness and understanding. Some synonyms of knowledge are: wisdom, enlightenment, intelligence, comprehension, grasp, know-how,scholarship, erudition, etc.

What is poverty?


Poverty is the condition of being poor or having poor qualities. To be poor means not having sufficient money or means to live comfortably; in one words poverty means inadequacy. Some synonyms of poverty are: bankrupt, lacking,deficient, meager, substandard, inferior, mediocre, etc.

To alleviate means to make something(pain or problem) less severe. It is to ease, relieve, cushion or soften the effect of something.

How can Knowledge Alleviate Poverty?

Poverty is a mental condition which is being caused by poor imagination that is lack of creativity or ideas. The key to alleviating poverty is productivity and the key to productivity is continuous learning and continuous learning brings about knowledge.

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Robert Kiyosaki, the author of Rich Dad and Poor Dad said; "Education is not enough" i.e., education is never too much. You must keep updating yourself on knowledge if you want to become a leading star in your field or anything you are doing. Brain Tracy the author of Eat That Frog, said that "Continuous learning is the minimum requirement for success in any field."


Learning and upgrading your skills is one of the most important personal productivity principle of all. Pat Riley said; "Any time you stop striving to get better, you are bound to get worse."

Also to build your knowledge, you have to learn and build the habit of teaching others because while you teach, you learn. The biggest secret of teaching is that you constantly learn from it. You’re constantly being challenged even if your main teaching themes are the same.


In conclusion, Knowledge is light and all eyes need light to see. In this modern age, we have higher possibility of getting knowledge because information is everywhere; the reasons why most people are still poor is because their most important asset i.e. their brain is powered by obsolete information." It is not what you know that is stopping you but what you can do with what you know."




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