Starting with a word of appreciation to the @stach community of @ejemai for organizing this story contest, the story is meant to revolve around the above title and only meant to be 199 words, anything above that..phewww..your out of the game, nevertheless i was able to squeeze up something and i arrived at 198. Hope you have fun while going through it.



Lisa has always dreamt to be a model, not only modeling but to be on the cover of the “new york’s time magazine” as the most famous model of the season. Her whole life has been built on it, morning jogging, dieting and always trying to keep fit,literally, she lived in the gym but this fit was not only aspired by her, there were lots more and her best friend Anna was one, although she was not as desperate as Lisa.

A week to the audition, both friends were ready to hit “Newyork” for the audition. Lisa was overwhelmed with anxiety that she forgot the vital things that will qualify her, a night to the Dday she realized that she had lost her travelling documents and of course that could not be done immediately, she knew that her spot will never be reserved for her as she lost her golden opportunity, Anna instead was prepared and she was selected. Lisa felt bad and ofcourse learnt her lessons, she accepted her fate and was ready to wait for the next season. Her family consoled her and stood by her reminding her that “A STITCH IN TIME SAVES NINE”.

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