How to be an Interesting Peoples


Being in a social environment, of course we want to be a fun person. This often becomes an afterthought, because sometimes our attempts at behaving like fun are misunderstood to be an annoying person.

According to one study it is suggested that to be a favored or pleasant person comes from traits that come from sincerity, honesty, and how to understand others. In other words, it concerns the intelligence we have.

Speaking Questions

While talking, people will be happy if you listen to it. When in a conversation, of course some people will try to find out what the other person is talking about. By asking simple questions to clarify, show you care and care about what he says.

Do not Judge

Being fun and open-minded makes the beginning of closeness and open-mindedness. This gives the impression you are willing to listen to, not the person who makes an opinion after entering the room. At work, having an open mind also opens the way of creativity. So before putting people down, "realize that they can help you when you need them.

Do not Look for Attention

This type of person usually requires a great personality and extrovert to cover it up. Speaking kindly and confidently will give you all the attention you need, as well as your respect.

Practice Consistency

Usually a person is favored because of his ability to strive consistently. Be consistent allows people who interact with you and know what kind of response is expected. Make sure your mood does not affect how you behave to others.

Be a Good Storyteller

Being a storyteller does not mean as a seeker of attention. Everyone has a story to tell and when the time comes, make sure you say it in an interesting and polite way. Everyone loves good stories, the art of telling stories requires language control and speaking speed. Say it right and you will easily become the most liked person.

Greet someone with his name

Greeting others by his name is often overlooked in today's modern conversations. Using a "Bro" call is fine in friendship, but not for formal stuff, it's important to make sure you say hello by name. Research has shown that people you talk to feel honored when you use their names in conversation.

Know When to Interact Physically

Physical interactions can be fun if done correctly. Like shaking hands, slightly touching the arms of others. Use this when you engage or finish a conversation, on people you have not seen for a long time. It can radiate sincerity and confidence without turning you into an insolent figure.

Increase nuance jokes

People who are passionate have the energy to tell stories and make the story extraordinary. People will listen and follow the spirit, and are interested as well. However, too excited can be interpreted as too serious and selfish. The key is to balance the passion of storytelling with a mildly pleasing dose. Being liked in this case manifests itself in your ability to be an approachable person

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