Halloween Night Gone Bad

Image source: google


It was Halloween night. We decided to have as much fun as we could, and out of different options such as to go ghost hunting, see a horror movie, visit a hunted house and plan a scare hunt, we decided on the last.

It was decided that the first person to be scared would be fined $10.

I had decided to be super bold and courageous this night so as not to lose my hard earned money.

When it was time, we set off to the woods to begin our scary game.

Once we all got to our destination, we made the call and the scared hunt began. I was to start the search after fifteen minutes.

I started my search but after thirty minutes, I could not find anyone, and I started to feel a little scared.

Everywhere was too quiet. I expected to hear screams of, "Geez! You caught me man! or " Shit! can't believe I lost to you"

But I heard nothing of that sort. I immediately began to feel chills in my spine.

Could anything have gone wrong?

Just when I was begining to convince myself that it was part of their plan to get the first person scared, I heard a loud scream from my right. It sounded like Jane. Immediately, I ran to towards the sound and saw Jane right in front of the blood covered head of Ben.

Immediately, I too let out a loud scream.
We immediately took to our heels, apparently running from some wicked monster in the woods.

Just as we were about to make a bend to the right, very close to the tree house, we saw a figure coming down towards us. We thought it was a big bird flying really low until the figure descended.

Suspecting the inevitable, we went over to check and to our shock, we were saluted with the headless, bloody body of kendra. Immediately, Jane fell to the ground shivering.

Realizig the danger we were in, I told Jane that we had to find a means of escape, quickly. Jane, however was too shocked to even move but after a slight tap on her head, she jerked back to the reality of the moment.

"What about the others? ", Jane asked. Without replying, I grabbed her hand and told her that we had to head out of the woods. With tears in our eyes, we began moving.

After maneuvering our way to the abandoned house near the centre of the woods, we found Tom. He had also heard the scream but was too scared to come out. Together, we began running towards the end of the woods.

After running for a while, Tom asked us to wait for him to tie his shoe. We then told him we would be right in front. No sooner had we gone for ten seconds than we saw the body of Tom right in front of us. There were about ten arrows in his body.

Knowing that Jane would let out a loud scream, I immediately covered her mouth.

We saw a hole nearby and hid there, covering ourselves with some dry grasses.

Almost immediately, we began to hear voices. We could not really get what they were saying because of the thickness of their voices . They must have been as much as a dozen from what i could gather.They seemed to be doing some form of ritual because we could hear them singing and bearing drums. They were also chanting.

After a while, a loud voice calmed them down and told them to find the remaining two without fail.

Immediately, they dispersed, moving in different directions, almost as soon as they had come. Jane and I were scared to our wits. We knew that if we stayed there longer we would be found and killed.

After planning our route of escape, Jane and I decided to come out. Scared and small as we were, we decided to try our luck at escaping or die trying.

We had decided that we would run hand in hand towards the small stream then swim to the end and go on till we got to the end of the woods.

We did just this. But just as we were about to cross this stream, two large hands came out of the bottom and pulled Jane down into the water. I could do nothing except continue to run. I finally got to the end of the woods and stepped out, and continued running.

I saw a black creature pursue me, and from nowhere, the strength to run faster was on me.

After running for nearly five minutes as fast as I could, I was getting tired and the creature was gaining ground...

At last, I collapsed in the front of Grandpa Smith's house, and as the creature stretched out its ugly hands to take me, I screamed!!!!!!

"What is it? My younger brother asked.

I rubbed my eyes, nearly as surprised as you to find out that it was all a dream.

Thanks to @jade56 for this contest, I suggest that the next contest should be about rape...

This would be my first horror write-up and I would appreciate your upvotes and comments.

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