A tale of a night spent in a haunted house.


It was a night i would never forget...the night i spent in a haunted house. I and my friends were caught in a terrible storm in the middle of nowhere when we saw this light ahead. Alas! It was a house and we happily ran to the door.

The light disappeared the minute we got to the doorstep. We knocked but no one opened. Kayla pushed the door and it swung open making a terrible screech. It was so dark inside and dead silent. I was scared already but Ben calmed my fears. He said it was probably an abandoned house. I reminded him about the light we had all seen but my protests were called off.

Kayla ran out to the car and got a flash light. The house was empty, no single piece of furniture was seen and it was so dusty. We all entered the house slowly inspecting every corner as we moved.

Suddenly, with a loud bang, the door swung shut! I ran to the door with a loud cry but a loud mocking laughter stopped me in my tracks.

"Welcome to my home" a voice said from the top of the stairs. Lights came on and down the stairs came a beautiful woman in a white dress. I felt my mouth open in wonder. She was so breathtaking. Ben and Shawn went forward as if under a spell. She smiled at them and they smiled sheepishly back.

"My dears, i am so glad to see such young fresh blood after so many years. I am salivating already for the taste of your blood. You smell so good. Welcome to the place of your death!" Her voice rose at the last word. The woman laughed and disappeared.

The terrible sound of her laughter kept echoing. I.felt my heart beat hard against my chest. I saw the others were also scared.

We ran to the door but it was tightly shut. We banged and screamed but no one came to ur rescue. Suddenly, the house started to tremble as if there was an earthquake. The ground in front of us opened and a large snake came out. We were so terrified that we backed away towards the wall, huddling together shaking and teeth chattering. Ben made an heroic attempt to scare it away with the flashlight, breaking away from us and the snake swallowed him whole!

We all sprang apart at the sight, screaming and running in different directions. I ran till there was nowhere to run. Outside the storm raged on.

Suddenly, i heard a shuffling sound along the corridor behind me. My heart was pounding as i looked around for a place to hide. I was shaking with fear then i saw i was in a bedroom with a wardrobe. I ran in quickly and shut the door. There was a little hole through which i could peep.

In ran Kayla limping, her right leg pierced through with an arrow. I was so happy to see her but as i wanted to open the wardrobe door, i saw a man coming behind her. He was horrible looking with an empty left eye socket and patched face. The stiches ran through his left cheek and ended at the base of his neck, it was dark and dripped blood as if it were fresh. His hair was sparse and also dripped blood. The stench of him made me want to retch.

He laughed when he saw Kayla and shot another arrow through her other leg. She screamed in agony and pain, falling down just in front of the wardrobe door. He came up to her and plucked out herr eyes and ate them with relish, making pleasurable sound. Next, he tore her stomach open and took out her intestines laughing uncontrollably. I covered my mouth as tears rolled down my cheek as i watched this stange man eat my friend's innards like chocolate, licking his fingers and making smacking sounds.

Suddenly, he looked up and stared directly at the wardrobe door. "Oh no," i thought, "i must have made a sound." He picked up a knife and came up to the door. I was inside, my heart pounding so hard and loud i was sure the whole world could hear it.

Then, a loud scream rent the air. At first, i thought it was me but the man turned and moved away. I fell out of the wardrobe shaking with great relief. I needed to get out of here.

Then i saw a shadow coming up by the door. With renewed strength, i moved to the window, taking the flashlight from where it had fallen beside poor Kayla's body. The window was sealed shut but was made of glass. I hit it until it cracked. I could hear footsteps behind me but i focused on my task.

Just as i lifted my legs to the window sill, i felt a moist sticky hand on my shoulders. I turned with a scream and saw patched man's mocking face. I let out another scream and suddenly, he went still. I looked down and saw a knife protruding out of his belly. He fell, revealing Shawn behind him.

I was so happy to see him then he told me to go out of the window first. I heard footsteps coming down the hall and begged Shawn to hurry down too. The next i saw was Shawn's head in front of me. I screamed out loud and ran into the darkness...i ran on till i collapsed and i was found unconscious by the police, my feet bleeding and bruises all over my body.

That dear reader, was my adventure in the haunted house where i lost my three best friends.

This tale was written for the horror short story challenge by @jade56.

I tried to make it as short as possible...i was too carried away. It's my first time writing horror. I hope you felt goosebumps. Lol...i shudder thinking of the experience. I propose the next genre should be adventure.

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