How to pick up a cat like a pro - Vet advice on cat handling.

Hello, my name is Dr. Uri Burstyn I am a veterinarian at Vancouver BC and I would like to welcome you to the practical series for pet owners We are here today with Claudia, she is a one year old little girl We'll be joining Mr Pirate in a little while, to speak a little Dealing with a healthy cat. So maybe - this would be a fun little video We will just talk about how to treat and deal with a cat You know when I'm in clinics, I often see people walking around their cat's swing like this It is really a kind of thing that makes me feel comfortable because this is not comfortable for a cat or being honest with you So I just want to think a little bit about how to catch a cat and different ways to just manage it To make your life a little easier Know when you are approaching a cat, it is a good idea to introduce yourself, you know, allow them to inhale your hand I keep my fingers curled a little So, if a cat really doesn't want my company, she can't really bite me when my fingers are wrapped. Introduce yourself Give them a little scratch just on the side of the face like that or tickle a little under the chin There we go. We made friends with this wonderful little cat If you approach a cat, you can enjoy it and enjoy it You have to remember that cats can be frightened very easily. So you want to take things easy with it They are also much smaller than us. So a light light usually pays off with a cat You can tickle them a little stroke them But most people are trying to catch kittens and this is the kind of we're having trouble with So the key to picking up a cat safely is making them feel supported So I always hold a cat with one hand below the chest, one hand under the abdomen, and then we can lift it Kind of forced gently. So they are not hanging. They are not floundering. This way they will be Comfortable that way you will also be safe because what happens when you have a cat swings free in the air Often times, they will start scrambling to buy, and they will get their hind legs. They can do a lot of damage that I mean, I scratched so badly on my arms just with a cat Go a little bit of paddle with their legs and And Scratches me and this is very common Perhaps the most common way to scratch is if your cat feels insecure When you are slightly injured, the acquisition attempt tries to defend something in your hands It's the smallest children that cats can swing around this way So nice and backed up to catch them then if you need to carry a cat I usually just hold near my body Once again, I just press them and catch them myself, you know Claudia feels good and support I will put my hand here for her, so I put her paws as you know I can carry it safely just like this and you won't want to escape Now if we have a cat trying to get away from us? We always crush this cat If you are trying to squeeze the cat Be it To trim their nails, to give them a pill or if you just want to have a cat that does not run for a moment Crush this cat. All you need to know about controlling a cat is crushing those cats Again, I feel very safe this way, and they generally are even if they're really scared because some cats come to me at the clinic and they Completely afraid you will crush them and they will sit there and will not harm us Just hang out and let's do our thing If you have a handy towel This is one of the best restraint tools for your cat around You can just throw a towel in the can and crush it over a towel That way they wouldn't get a claw if there was some pretty safe and gentle stampede Generally the cats are very very happy to be crushed like this Now if you have something else I want to show you with Claudia. My darling, where are you going? It is football bearing. So this is some kind of emergency method. If you really need to carry a cat somewhere in a hurry And Maybe not a lot of time What this will do is sweep it away, a small soccer ball holds like this. Small head under your arm Butt in your hand as you squish her screwed on your body and Even with a little football Basically, you can safely and safely carry your cat Because it's really hard for them to wake you up with their hind legs If you hold them like this just crush them really tight on your body. You do not have to worry about harming your cat They're very tough little little monsters You only know your crush against your bodies. Will not do them any harm. In fact, they tend to feel safe and secure When they are held tightly Now, I will just do it Say goodbye to little Claudia and bring Mr. Pirate into another cat Show you some shoulder cat techniques right. So we're here with Mr. Pirate to show the behavior that I call shoulder cats So a pirate is a shoulder cat who loves to be on the shoulders. Some cats This is their favorite position to be so comfortable for your cat like this because it is really easy to carry But some people get postponed to shoulder cats. So let me show you why Well, Mr. Pirate he's a handsome little boy and he's a 14 year old boy Very handsome little chubby. Very beautiful though. Look at this face. Look at this face So notice how he tried to wake up on my shoulder there for a second So when we hang out with the pirates, its main goal is to wake up to my shoulder This can be a bit scary for people because if people are in trouble or if you understand what is happening It can scratch you because cats will naturally put their claws to climb. So look at him He looks at my shoulder All I have to do is lean on and make his way up, and a lot of cats are cats to shoulder, and this Great Sometimes you have to be a little careful when the cat rises over your shoulder because it can run behind and run away Give your back a little from scratch or sometimes try to stampede around the back of your neck But as I said before the stress is your best friend when dealing with a cat like this You have a cat on your shoulder. You squish them nice and tight and he will still be there Now if you are wearing a jacket or jacket - something like a thick jacket Cats can actually climb over your shoulders and be really comfortable. I saw people wandering in the city with a cat in their hoodie It is usually nice to make fun of them when you do that But this is a really great way to hold a cat. Now not all cats go for this. But if you have a cat that insists on lifting you, you are simply leaning forward. Let me prove it again OK Note, - Oh, I have to show you how to put it that way But if you have a cat that wants to climb, you lean forward and will support it And there you have it and when you try to put it often, it does not want it So you have two options, one of which is just going back and going back a bit Not the most secure thing. Two, it is support for the little cat, just leans forward, leans forward, leans forward and ultimately They will correct themselves and hang out. So how do you handle a shoulder cat Now I hope you enjoy this video, please Give us a like, feel free to share it, and Just remember to have fun with your cat.

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