STEEMRAKER - Starring SPUD 007 - Coming to a Screen Near You - Nov. 1, 2019 [steem] [blockchain] [ community]


Restoring the Balance of Steem Power

Once again Agent SPUD 007 is called upon to help protect the STEEM Blockchain and its Steem Coin from themysterious and villainous Double Agent creating massive Power Downs. Initially the STEEMRAKER (aka Power Down) was meant to be used judiciously and occasionally in order to maintain balance in the Steem World.

Unfortunately the World is never a stable place and the Power Down became abused and over utilized. The Steem World was in danger from the massive STEEMRAKER (Power Down) from the supposed good guy which actually turned out to be not so good.

So the AGENTS OF SPUD led by SPUD 007 have taken action to counter the effects of the STEEMRAKER (Power Down) with a massive POWER UP on November 1, 2019 in order to restore the Balance of Power on the Steem Blockchain. This will bring strength and prosperity to the Steem World and all will be well.

Calling All Agents of SPUD to prepare for action on November 1, 2019. Great prizes await those who Power Up sufficiently enough in defense of the Steem Blockchain. The A.O.S (Agents of Spud) ranks are growing, and our efforts are gaining momentum. Dismantling the evil Power Down will not be easy, but with your support we will bring back balance to our Steem World.

Take care Agents and Start preparing! The STEEM POWER STRUGGLE is heating up!

+++ @streetstyle

When I was a kid I loved reading the Ian Fleming Bond Novels. Here is a link to the plot for Moonraker.
Who Might the Double Agent be in this version of Moonraker? 100% up vote and re-steem for the answer.

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