Baked potato is best

Since learning from my brother in law - nutritional specialist and P.h.d. in Tulsa, O'K' - of the high nutritional value of a baked potato, I have found very little excuse to exclude them from my meals. In fact, the baked potato has become my main meal and I can hardly wait for dinner time each day so as to relish my spud, with a dollop of butter of course. It has a filling taste and is very desirable, especially with a serving of baked beans as well. I sometimes -when feeling extremely adventuress - add a serving of cabbage as well; mmm, now you're cooking boy! Seriously though, it truly is a healthy, tasty, nutritional meal on it's own and I have no qualms about eating a baked spud every day for the rest of eternity. How droll...... I hear you! I am healthier than any carnivorous, savory and sauce man and, should I not be smitten by the proverbial 'astroid falling from sky', I believe I will outlive all of my siblings as well as all of my peers. And enjoy a far healthier, productive life as well. So go bake that in your pot and smoke - I mean - eat it! Cool beans g.v. To do!

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