SplinterRANT: Backfire






First off I gotta say I'm loving the new CHAOS (Legion) abilities!

I believe I've finally learned to just bite the bullet and buy what I like early on when I can so I threw down to get maxed versions of 3 new rewards cards, two of which I may highlight in another post, but just wanted to honorably mention along the way to discussing the star of today's post:

Dragon Divider.png

Naga Assassin

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To begin, I don't know anything about the lore or quirky adventure stories or anything like that... I'm not trying to marry the girl, just talk about how much of a bad-ass she is.

Let's talk stats!

She's a rare one so her strong 8 is your common trollops
long road hard 10 and boy howdy does she know what she's got!

She lays low early on, gathering her strength, before the man-eater within begins to really bubble to the surface when she learns how to turn the tables on the wolves that stalk the night.


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Anyone who has ever tried to take out a high level Cockatrice with a non-magic user knows how frustrating it can be to miss over, and over, and over. Well this is that buffed with steroids and smoking crack... the good stuff like Walter cooks, goddamn it.

You think it's infuriating to miss for TWELVE straight rounds that end with you bleeding out of fatigue? Well, your worries are over because this sexy lady doesn't have the time, nor inclination, to wait around for you to eventually disappoint.

Everyone is welcome to take a shot, but get it wrong and it's your ass!!

You can see how effective this is from the battle linked above.

If you've ever read anything I post about splinterlands, gameplay, you may know that I'll preach speed over all else.

If you can't hit it, you can't kill it. It's just as simple as that and it holds doubly true when when missing kills you back.

And that brings us to one of my favorite general use abilities...


Everyone knows this one so I don't feel like I need to go into detail about it other than to say I think it's very important to differentiate from Slow. You can only subtract to 1, but you can add forever, as far as I know, so I'll pick swiftness over slow any day.

So getting back to our girl, there's no question

She's the real deal...

She knows how to work it......

And you DO NOT want to be the one she's working on!

Splinterlands logo.png

If you found this informative and/or entertaining please consider and upvote, re-hive, and follow. I got !PIZZA AND !LUV, but I need friends to !ENGAGE with. 😁 The Luv comes in all flavors but the Pizza is only extra cheese...

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