Itsy Bitsy Octopider

Here's a really ugly monster for this week's Share your Battle challenge! The Octopider sure is a great aid to the Death Splinter.


I don't play with Death Splinter that much; but with so many debuffs, sometimes it's a pain to challenge it. And this card just brings some more debuffs to the table!

Good things about the Octopider:

  • High Health, starting from 7 HP
  • Decent speed, 4 starting from level 4
  • Strong ranged attack, 5 at max level!
  • Demoralise from level 3, blind at level 7

Using the Octopider with Zintar gives a -2 melee debuff to the opposite team! And if you add blind, its a lower melee attack with even less chances to hit! The only bad thing about this card for me it's the high mana cost.

Where do I use it most? Whenever I have a death battle with high mana! It's a great choice for the back row; the high HP can take some beating from sneak attacks, while debuffing and providing good damage with the ranged attack.

Off to the battle: I recently purchased an almost maxed Contessa, so it was a great way to test her!

Battle rules:

  • No heals
  • Inverse speed: slower monsters attack first



  • Lord Arianthus, one of my favourite tanks. String magic teams are commonly seen in the no heals ruleset, so the reflect ability could come in handy
  • Sand worm as offtank: good speed for this ruleset and high attack! I screwed up here, should have places theprismatic energy on second position, since I was anticipating magic attacks
  • Prismatic energy on third: although it has high speed, bad for this ruleset, magic attacks always hit, unless the monster has the phase ability. And the reflect would come in handy.
  • Phantom soldier. Good magia attack and a magic debuff
  • Grim reaper:great ranged attack, and the opress ability was really useful!
  • To wrap it up, Octopider in the last position.

With this lineup I could nerf all kinds of damage: contessa with the ranged debuff, Octopider with the melee debuff, and the phantom soldier with the magic debuff!

Plus, the opponent had two monsters without attack in the first two positions, so the Grim Reaper's ability proved awesome here!


At round 3, the battle was going well for me: magic reflect and the sand work took out the strong ruler of the seas in the last position, and my ranged attacks took care of the kraken too. Here, my Octopider doing what he did most during this battle: missed shots! :)

But he made up for those missed shots, as in here, delivering the killing blow on the cube:


And having the honours of delivering the final blow of the battle too!


I do believe the opponent's line up did helped here, since there were a couple monsters that only served as cannon fodder, not providing any attack; that allowed my tank to last a lot more than normaly in a no-heal ruleset. You can see the whole battle here!

See you on the battlefield!


Hive divider by doze.gif

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