What is Hive? Certainly Not just a Blockchain.

That's all I can really say at this point. This is maybe day 3 of actually going on Hive and really seeing what it is about. And I haven't even scratched the surface. Hive is its own ecosystem that's just so vast in its uses and practicality. To say I'm overwhelmed would be an understatement.
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There is so much on here and I don't know where to start! There's one up, Pizza, SPT , SPS , There's ART There's people documenting their struggle through a WAR! I'm looking at Curation trails and witnesses with a splash of resource credit. It's official I'm learning a new language and I've entered a new world . Welcome to Hive. I laugh when I hear people say oh "Cryptos for Criminals to Launder Money," Right they need to turn off the legacy media and see what's really going on. Anyways please anyone reading this drop a comment show me what's on hive the hidden gems , the must does. They say it takes 10,000 hours to master something. I've only ever used this for Splinterlands and am at maybe 12 hours out of 10,000. Look forward to hearing from everyone. Solinterlands brought me here but y'all and what y'all are building is keeping me here!

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