

Another challenge launched (Splinterlands, 2022), this time with a card widely used by the community, the Deeplurker.

After several seasons of dominating the bronze league with monsters with magic attack combined with Summoner Alric Stormbringer, Water Splinter underwent a change with the release of the Chaos Legion set. Without Alric's presence in the ghost cards and with the greater ease of using Earth Splinter for the magic combo, Water Splinter started to present compositions with physical attack, similar to those used by Life Splinter users with the Summoners Tyrus Paladium and Lorna Shine (Greengineer, 2022-a, 2022-b and 2022-c), that uses melee monsters with Sneak or Opportunity abilities combined with a monster with the Inspire ability.

What contributed to this change, in addition to the new Summoner Kelya Frendul, was the presence of new monsters such as Flying Squid, Diemonshark and especially the star of this post, Deeplurker. Let's analyze the card to understand why this guy was so successful:

  • Opportunity: Since level 01 he comes with this skill, very powerful for the 3 damage he already has at this level, being able to reach 5 melee damage.

  • Poison: At level 06 he gains this skill, becoming more lethal from the gold league.

  • Demoralize: As if that wasn't enough, he still gains the ability to reduce 01 melee damage from all enemy monsters at level 10, becoming a torment in the diamond league.

I had the opportunity to use him in one of my matches in which he shone in my team, so I will analyze it.

The strategy before the battle

The match in question only allowed the use of 03 Splinters, Fire, Water or Dragon. Among the game rules there was Target Practice and Taking Sides and only 18 MP for team summons.

My opponent's history was very diverse and without the use of appeal cards like Yodin and Llama. Due to this diversification it was difficult to predict what he would use in the match. In addition, I didn't have Water or Fire summoners, being forced to use the Daria Dragonscale which was the only one available with the level of the league I played, which was Silver.

When choosing Daria I had two Splinters options to help her, and the Water Splinter was the only one I had more monsters leveled. I tried to neutralize the Target Practice rule using only melee monsters, which matched my summoner's buff very well. As attackers I put Deeplurker and Feasting Seaweed with their Opportunity skills. As a tank I chose the Spineback Turtle and filled one of the available spaces with the Torrent Fiend protecting my backline from a possible attack with the Sneak skill.

Once the team was assembled, I was hoping to have a chance against my opponent and I don't deny that I was scared when I saw his team:

Deep Início.png

The battle

My opponent came with the Summomner Valnamor, which increases allies health, speed, and magic damage. A Summoner that is difficult to see in low Silver ratings, but it is usually meant to be a victory for those who use it. As attackers he selected Ice Pixie and Djinn Oshannus, the latter in second position to attract the Snipe attacks of my monsters, which in this case if i choosing a team with magic attack would have had problems with his Void ability. As a tank he chose the Cruel Sethropod.

His team was looking to take advantage of the Target Practice rule, but I had neutralized it by using only melee monsters on my team. But my strategy also had flaws as my Spineback Turtle wouldn't last as long against my enemy's magic damage and my Torrent Fiend would be better located if it was in second position as there was no monster with the Sneak ability on the other side of the game.

In the first round my Deeplurker eliminated my enemy's Ice Pixie and the tanks on both sides lost a lot of life/shield.

2 Round Deep.png

At the end of the second round we both lost our tanks and my opponent's Djinn Oshannus took his first hit.

3 Round Deep.png

At the end of the third round I lost my Feasting Seaweed, but my Deeplurker left Oshannus about to die.

4 Round Deep.png

At the end of the fourth round my Deeplurker eliminated Djinn Oshannus, guaranteeing the victory for my team.

5 Round Deep.png

Analyzing this game calmly, it's clear that I was lucky that none of my attacks missed the targets, especially checking the presence of Ice Pixie's Flying ability and the big difference in speed between my opponent's monsters and mine. I could have come up with a better team if I had replaced Feasting Seaweed with Pelacor Bandit and used this 1 MP to summon another monster to attract the attacks of my enemies (Albatross for example).

But I won anyway and this wouldn't have been possible without the presence of Deeplurker.

I hope you enjoyed this combo from Daria with Deeplurker. If you want to follow the battle in detail just click on the following link: Greengineer (2022-d)

PS: Sorry if there is any error in the above writing, as English is not my mother language.


@splinterlands (2022, February 17). SHARE YOUR BATTLE Weekly Challenge! DEEPLURKER. PEAKD. @splinterlands/share-your-battle-weekly-challenge-deeplurker

@greengineer (2022-a, January 18). SHARE YOUR BATTLE Weekly Challenge! Feral Spirit EN-US/PT-BR. PEAKD. @greengineer/share-your-battle-weekly-challenge-feral-spirit-en-uspt-br

@greengineer (2022-b, January 22). Battle analysis: A llama in trouble. PEAKD. @greengineer/battle-analysis-a-llama-in-trouble

@greengineer (2022-c, January 19). Battle analysis: Thorns + Amplify is dangerous EN-US/PT-BR. PEAKD. @greengineer/battle-analysis-thorns--amplify-is-dangerous-en-uspt-br

@greengineer (2022-d, February 21). Battle Link. Splinterlands - Collect, Trade, Battle!.



Mais um desafio lançado (Splinterlands, 2022), desta vez com uma carta bastante utilizada pela comunidade, o Deeplurker.

Após várias temporadas dominando a liga bronze com monstros com ataque mágico combinados ao Summoner Alric Stormbringer, o Splinter de Água passou por uma mudança com o lançamento do set Chaos Legion. Sem a presença do Alric nas cartas fantasmas e com a maior facilidade do uso do Splinter de Terra para o combo mágico, o Splinter de Água passou a apresentar composições com ataque físico, semelhantes às utilizadas pelos usuários do Splinter de Vida com os Summoner's Tyrus Paladium e Lorna Shine (Greengineer, 2022-a, 2022-b e 2022-c), que utiliza monstros melee com habilidades Sneak ou Opportunity combinados a algum monstro com a habilidade Inspire.

O que contribuiu para esta mudança, além da adição da Summoner Kelya Frendul, foi a presença de novos monstros como a Flying Squid, o Diemonshark e principalmente o astro deste post, o Deeplurker. Vamos analisar a carta para entender o porquê do sucesso deste cara:

  • Opportunity: Desde o nível 01 ele vem com esta habilidade, muito poderosa para os 3 de ataque que já possui neste nível, podendo atingir 5 de dano melee.

  • Poison: No nível 06 ele ganha esta habilidade, ficando mais letal a partir da liga gold.

  • Demoralize: Como se não bastasse ele ainda ganha a habilidade de reduzir 01 do dano melee dos monstros inimigos no nível 10, virando um tormento na liga diamante.

Tive a oportunidade de utilizá-lo em uma das minhas partidas na qual ele se destacou no meu time, logo farei uma análise da mesma.

A estratégia antes da batalha

A partida em questão só permitia o uso de 03 Splinters, Fogo, Água e Dragão. Dentre as regras da partida havia a Target Practice e a Taking Sides e somente 18 de MP para invocação do time.

O histórico de meu oponente estava bem diversificado e sem a utilização de cartas apelonas como o Yodin e a Llama. Devido a essa diversificação estava complicado prever o que ele utilizaria na partida. Além disto eu não possuía summoners de Água ou Fogo, sendo obrigado a utilizar a Daria Dragonscale que era a única disponível com level da liga que eu jogava, que era a Prata.

Ao escolher a Daria eu tinha duas opções de Splinters para auxiliá-la, e o de Água era o único que eu possuía mais monstros upados. Busquei neutralizar a regra Target Practice utilizando apenas monstros melee, que casavam muito bem com o buff de minha summoner. Como atacantes coloquei o Deeplurker e o Feasting Seaweed com suas habilidades Opportunity. Como tanque escolhi o Spineback Turtle e preenchi um dos espaços disponíveis com o Torrent Fiend protegendo minha backline de um possível ataque com a habilidade Sneak.

Uma vez montado o time era torcer para ter alguma chance contra meu oponente e não nego que me assustei ao ver seu time:

Deep Início.png

A batalha

Meu oponente veio com o Summomner Valnamor, que aumenta a vida, a velocidade e o dano mágico dos aliados. Um Summoner difícil de se ver em baixas ratings do Prata, mas que costuma ser significado de vitória para quem o utiliza. Como atacantes selecionou a Ice Pixie e o Djinn Oshannus, este último na segunda posição para atrair os ataques Snipe de meus monstros, que no caso deu ter escolhido um time com ataque mágico teria tido problemas com sua habilidade Void. Como tanque ele escolheu o Cruel Sethropod.

Seu time buscava se aproveitar da regra Target Practice, porém eu havia neutralizado a mesma com a utilização de apenas monstros melee em minha equipe. Mas minha estratégia também teve falhas, pois meu Spineback Turtle não duraria tanto contra o dano mágico de meu inimigo e meu Torrent Fiend estaria melhor localizado se estivesse na segunda posição, pois não havia monstro com a habilidade Sneak do outro lado da partida.

No primeiro round meu Deeplurker eliminou a Ice Pixie de meu inimigo e os tanques dos 02 lados perderam bastante vida/shield.

2 Round Deep.png

No final do segundo round ambos perdemos os tanques e o Djinn Oshannus de meu oponente levou seu primeiro hit.

3 Round Deep.png

No final do terceiro round perdi meu Feasting Seaweed, mas meu Deeplurker deixou o Oshannus prestes a ir para a vala.

4 Round Deep.png

No final do quarto round meu Deeplurker eliminou o Djinn Oshannus, garantindo a vitória para a minha equipe.

5 Round Deep.png

Analisando esta partida com calma percebe-se que eu tive sorte de nenhum de meus ataques terem errado os alvos, principalmente verificando a presença da habilidade Flying da Ice Pixie e a grande diferença de velocidade entre seus monstros e os meus. Eu poderia ter vindo com um time melhor se tivesse substituido o Feasting Seaweed pelo Pelacor Bandit e utilizasse o 1 de MP para invocar mais um monstro para atrair os ataques de meu inimigos (Albatross por exemplo).

Mas de toda forma venci e isso não seria possível sem a presença do Deeplurker.

Espero que tenha gostado deste combo da Daria com o Deeplurker. Se quiserem acompanhar a batalha em detalhes basta clicar no link a seguir: Greengineer (2022-d)


@splinterlands (2022, 17 de Fevereiro). SHARE YOUR BATTLE Weekly Challenge! DEEPLURKER. PEAKD. @splinterlands/share-your-battle-weekly-challenge-deeplurker

@greengineer (2022-a, 18 de Janeiro). SHARE YOUR BATTLE Weekly Challenge! Feral Spirit EN-US/PT-BR. PEAKD. @greengineer/share-your-battle-weekly-challenge-feral-spirit-en-uspt-br

@greengineer (2022-b, 22 de Janeiro). Battle analysis: A llama in trouble. PEAKD. @greengineer/battle-analysis-a-llama-in-trouble

@greengineer (2022-c, 19 de Fevereiro). Battle analysis: Thorns + Amplify is dangerous EN-US/PT-BR. PEAKD. @greengineer/battle-analysis-thorns--amplify-is-dangerous-en-uspt-br

@greengineer (2022-d, 21 de Fevereiro). Link de Batalha. Splinterlands - Collect, Trade, Battle!.

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