Battle analysis: Taunt Battle EN-US/PT-BR

Taunt Battle.gif


Here's another post with the analysis of one of my battles. In this specific one there was a dispute between two monsters with the Taunt ability, like what happened in Greengineer (2022-a), but on my side I had the support of the Resurrect skill thanks to Adelade Brightwing:

Adelade Brightwing Lvl 2

  • Flying: Has a chance to dodge non-magical attacks from monsters that don't have this ability.

  • Repair: Regenerates 02 Shield of the ally who took the most damage to their armor.

  • Resurrect: Resurrects an ally with 1 HP.

The strategy before the battle

The game had the Aim True rule active, so all attacks would hit their targets. It also couldn't use neutral monsters and had 99 MP to summon monsters.

My deck that could make the best use of so much MP available was Life Splinter. My opponent had a history full of battles with monsters with physical attack, which would cause him to waste a lot of time with the the Shieldbearer's combo with the Resurrect ability. Then I put the Shieldbearer in last position and the Adelade Brightwing in fourth position with your Resurrect and Repair skills. As a tank I chose Uriel The Purifier in order to eliminate the enemy tank while his allies wasted time with my Taunt. In second position was Djinn Renova, in third position was Silvershield Assassin with Sneak and in fifth position was Silvershield Sheriff, with the Snipe skill (necessary to complete the daily quest). All these monsters were combined with Lorna Shine, guaranteeing more useless hits for my opponent.

Once assembled, the team was hoping that my opponent didn't summon several legendary dragons, which I wouldn't stand a chance of.

Wrong Summoner Início.png

The battle

My opponent used the Byzantine Kitty, which provides 02 movement speed, heals the tank, and provides the True Strike ability, which was rendered useless with the Aim True rule in play. As a tank he chose the Sea Monster, with its high attack and Heal ability, looking to combo with Kitty's Tank Heal. In second place he put the Flying Squid with Reach. In the third and fourth positions he placed a duo with the ability Opportunity, the Dragon Jumper and the Deeplurker respectively. In fifth position he placed the Axemaster and in the last position the Wave Brood with its Taunt ability.

My opponent's goal was that while I was wasting time with Wave Brood, his two Opportunity allies would eliminate my team, while his tank would stay alive with 02 Heals per turn. What he didn't count on is that I would also come with the Taunt ability on my side, which would stay active longer than his.

At the end of the first round, my Shieldbearer and my opponent's Wave Brood were still alive, with the latter about to go into the grave.

2 Round Wrong Summoner.png

In the second round my Shieldbearer went down but was revived by Adelade Brightwing. Wave Brood went down and then Uriel took out the Sea Monster in one hit. The Silvershield Sheriff and the Silvershield Assassin killed the Axemaster, leaving 03 opponents on the enemy side.

3 Round Wrong Summoner.png

In the third round it was Deeplurker's turn to go into the ditch and my opponent's Flying Squid was about to fall.

4 Round Wrong Summoner.png

In the fourth round, my Shieldbearer left the game for good, the Flying Squid went down with my Silvershield Sheriff's attack and the Dragon Jumper was obliterated by my Uriel's colossal attack.

4-2 Round Wrong Summoner.png

Analyzing the match, I noticed that the summoner used by my opponent was not able to give him an advantage with the Aim True rule active because, in addition to neutralizing the True Strike ability provided by him, this rule made useless the dodge that could happen due to the high movement speed of your team.

Hope you enjoyed the strategy of combing the Shieldbearer with the Resurrect skill. To follow the battle in detail just follow in Greengineer (2022-b).

PS: Sorry if there is any error in the above writing, as English is not my mother language.


@greengineer (2022-a, February 27). SHARE YOUR BATTLE Weekly Challenge! GOBLIN PSYCHIC EN-US/PT-BR. PEAKD. @greengineer/share-your-battle-weekly-challenge-goblin-psychic-en-uspt-br

@greengineer (2022-b, March 16). Battle Link. Splinterlands - Collect, Trade, Battle!.



Segue mais um post com a análise de uma de minhas batalhas. Nesta em específico houve uma disputa entre dois monstros com a habilidade Taunt, como o ocorrido em Greengineer (2022-a), mas do meu lado eu tive o suporte da habilidade Resurrect graças à Adelade Brightwing:

Adelade Brightwing Lvl 2

  • Flying: Possui a chance de se esquivar de ataques não mágicos de monstros que não possuem esta habilidade.

  • Repair: Regenera 02 de Shield do aliado que mais recebeu dano em sua armadura.

  • Resurrect: Ressuscita um aliado com 01 de vida.

A estratégia antes da batalha

A partida possuía a regra Aim True ativa, logo todos os ataques acertariam seus alvos. Também não podia utilizar monstros neutros e havia 99 de MP para invocar os monstros.

Meu baralho que poderia fazer o melhor uso de tanto MP disponível era do Splinter da Vida. Meu oponente estava com o histórico cheio de batalhas com monstros com ataque físico, o que faria com que o combo do Shieldbearer com a habilidade Resurrect o fizesse perder bastante tempo. Logo coloquei o Shieldbearer na última posição e a Adelade Brightwing na quarta posição com o Resurrect e Repair. Como tanque escolhi o Uriel The Purifier visando eliminar o tanque inimigo enquanto seus aliados perdessem tempo com o Taunt. Na segunda posição ficou a Djinn Renova, na terceira posição a Silvershield Assassin com Sneak e na quinta posição o Silvershield Sheriff, com a habilidade Snipe (necessária para eu concluir a quest do dia). Todos estes monstros foram combinados à Lorna Shine, garantindo mais golpes perdidos para o meu oponente.

Uma vez montado o time era torcer que meu oponente não invocasse diversos dragões lendários, dos quais eu não teria chance.

Wrong Summoner Início.png

A batalha

Meu oponente utilizou o Bizantine Kitty, que fornece 02 de velocidade de movimento, cura o tanque e fornece a habilidade True Strike, que ficou inutilizada com a regra Aim True em jogo. Como tanque ele escolheu o Sea Monster, com seu alto ataque e habilidade Heal, buscando combar com o Tank Heal do Kitty. Na Segunda posição ele colocou a Flying Squid com Reach. Nas terceira e quarta posições ele colocou uma dupla com a habilidade Opportunity, o Dragon Jumper e o Deeplurker respectivamente. Na quinta posição ele colocou o Axemaster e na última o Wave Brood com sua habilidade Taunt.

O objetivo de meu oponente era que, enquanto eu perdesse tempo com o Wave Brood, seus dois aliados com Opportunity fizessem a limpa na minha equipe, enquanto seu tanque ficaria vivo com 02 Heals por turno. O que ele não contava é que eu também viria com a habilidade Taunt do meu lado, que ficaria mais tempo ativa do que a sua.

No final do primeiro round meu Shieldbearer e o Wave Brood de meu oponente seguiam vivos, com o último prestes a ir pra cova.

2 Round Wrong Summoner.png

No segundo round meu Shieldbearer caiu mas foi ressuscitado pela Adelade Brightwing. O Wave Brood caiu e em seguida o Uriel eliminou o Sea Monster em um único golpe. O Silvershield Sheriff e a Silvershield Assassin mataram o Axemaster, sobrando 03 oponentes no lado inimigo.

3 Round Wrong Summoner.png

No terceiro round foi a vez do Deeplurker ir pra vala e a Flying Squid de meu oponente estava prestes a cair.

4 Round Wrong Summoner.png

No quarto round meu Shieldbearer saiu da partida definitivamente, a Flying Squid caiu em seguida com o ataque de meu Silvershield Sheriff e o Dragon Jumper foi obliterado pelo ataque colossal de meu Uriel.

4-2 Round Wrong Summoner.png

Analisando a partida notei que o summoner utilizado por meu oponente não conseguiu lhe trazer vantagem com a regra Aim True ativa pois, além de neutralizar a habilidade True Strike fornecida por ele, esta regra inutilizou a esquiva que poderia acontecer devido à alta velocidade de movimento de sua equipe.

Espero que tenham gostado da estratégia de combar o Shieldbearer com a habilidade Resurrect. Para acompanhar a batalha em detalhes é só acompanhar em Greengineer (2022-b).


@greengineer (2022-a, 27 de Fevereiro). SHARE YOUR BATTLE Weekly Challenge! GOBLIN PSYCHIC EN-US/PT-BR. PEAKD. @greengineer/share-your-battle-weekly-challenge-goblin-psychic-en-uspt-br

@greengineer (2022-b, 16 de Março). Link de Batalha. Splinterlands - Collect, Trade, Battle!.

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