Battle analysis: Full Speed Tank EN-US/PT-BR

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We don't normally use movement speed as one of the main criteria for putting monsters on the battlefield, but this can imply a total defeat as mentioned in Greengineer (2022-a e 2022-b). The difference in movement speed between monsters only affects the hit rate of physical and ranged attacks, but the Phase ability can allow dodge magic attacks.

When the Spreading Fury rule is in play it is possible to make fast monsters that don't have this ability reach very high speeds, to the point of dodging almost all attacks.

The strategy before the battle

The game had the Stampede and Spreading Fury rules active, 50 MP for summoning, and only Earth Splinter was disabled. Looking at my opponent's history I realized that he was using magic compositions with high fire power.

Instead of using a strategy focused on reducing damage, I tried to take advantage of the Spreading Fury rule to reduce the hit rate of my opponent's attacks, putting a tank with the Phase ability on the front line.

As my Focus was Death Splinter I used Nightmare to fulfill this role, with the Blast and Phase abilities. To maximize the speed difference between my opponent's monsters and mine, I used the Crypt Mancer summoner that reduces the movement speed of all enemies by 01, in addition to reducing the melee attack by 01 and HP. I also put on the battlefield 03 monsters with the ability Swiftness, the Spirit Miner, the Supply Runner and Lira the Dark in the third, fourth and fifth positions respectively. To help my tank I put Corrupted Pegasus in second position with Reach, Tank Heal and Strengthen and in last position I put Cornealus with Heal and Thorns.

Once assembled, the team was hoping that my opponent would come with a magic team, which normally has low movement speed.

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The battle

My opponent came with Summoner Delwyn Dragonscale, using Life Splinter as a helper. As a tank he placed the Naga Brute with Void Armor and Thorns. In second place was Gold Dragon with Heal, Blast and Magic Reflect. In the third and fourth positions were two monsters with the Resurrect ability, Adelade Brightwing and High Priest Darius. In fifth position was Defender of Truth with Protect and in last position was Diamond Dragon with Slow, Cleanse and Last Stand.

With Void Armor the Naga Brute would delay the advance of my team, even more considering that there were 02 Resurrect in the game. But since all of my opponent's attacks were focused on my tank I knew what was coming.

In the first round the Naga Brute was eliminated for the first time, using one of my opponent's two Resurrect. The other monsters were still alive in the game and my Nightmare deflected all attacks.

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In the second round the Naga Brute was eliminated for the second time, using the last available Resurrect. My Nightmare only took damage from Diamond Dragon.

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In the third round, the Naga Brute was removed from the game for good by Corrupted Pegasus and the Spirit Miner eliminated the Gold Dragon in the sequence. Nightmare returned to dodge all attacks.

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In the fourth round Adelade Brightwing was eliminated by Lira the Dark and then Corrupted Pegasus eliminated High Priest Darius. Cornealus took the final shot at Defender of Truth, leaving only Diamond Dragon on the battlefield, which activated Last Stand.

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During the sixth round Diamond Dragon was eliminated by Corrupted Pegasus, guaranteeing my victory.

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Due to the high difference in movement speed between the teams, my Nightmare dodged almost all attacks, often not even needing to rely on Enrage, which was withdrawn due to the Tank Heal of my Corrupted Pegasus.

I hope you enjoyed the game, to follow it in detail just click on the link in Greengineer (2022-c).

PS: Sorry if there is any error in the above writing, as English is not my mother language.


@greengineer (2022-a, May 06). Battle analysis: Angry Dodge Beasts EN-US/PT-BR. PEAKD. @greengineer/battle-analysis-angry-dodge-beasts-en-uspt-br

@greengineer (2022-b, May 07). SHARE YOUR BATTLE Weekly Challenge! DRAGONS! EN-US / PT-BR-3. PEAKD. @greengineer/share-your-battle-weekly-challenge-dragons-en-us-pt-br-3

@greengineer (2022-c, June 18). Battle Link. Splinterlands - Collect, Trade, Battle!.



Normalmente não utilizamos a velocidade de movimento como um dos principais critérios para colocar os monstros no campo de batalha, mas isso pode implicar em uma derrota total como comentado em Greengineer (2022-a e 2022-b). A diferença da velocidade de movimento entre os monstros só afeta a taxa de acertos dos ataques físicos e à distância, mas a habilidade Phase pode permitir desvios de ataques mágicos.

Quando a regra Spreading Fury está em jogo é possível fazer monstros velozes que não possuem essa habilidade atingir velocidades altíssimas, a ponto de desviar de quase todos os ataques.

A estratégia antes da batalha

A partida tinha as regras Stampede e Spreading Fury ativas, 50 de MP para invocação e apenas o Splinter da Terra estava desabilitado. Observando o histórico de meu oponente percebi que ele estava utilizando composições mágicas com alto pode de fogo.

Em vez de eu utilizar uma estratégia focada em reduzir o dano busquei aproveitar da regra Spreading Fury para reduzir a taxa de acerto dos ataques de meu oponente, colocando um tanque com a habilidade Phase na linha de frente.

Como meu Focus era o Splinter da Morte utilizei o Nightmare para cumprir com este papel, com as habilidades Blast e Phase. Para potencializar a diferença de velocidade entre os monstros de meu oponente e os meus, utilizei o invocador Crypt Mancer que reduz a velocidade de movimento em 01 de todos os inimigos, além de reduzir 01 do ataque melee e um de HP. Também coloquei no campo de batalha 03 monstros com a habilidade Swiftness, o Spirit Miner, o Supply Runner e a Lira the Dark nas terceira, quarta e quinta posições respectivamente. Para auxiliar meu tanque coloquei o Corrupted Pegasus na segunda posição com Reach, Tank Heal e Strenghten e na última posição coloquei o Cornealus com Heal e Thorns.

Uma vez montado o time era torcer para que meu oponente viesse com um time mágico, que normalmente possui baixa velocidade de movimento.

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A batalha

Meu oponente veio com o Summoner Delwyn Dragonscale, utilizando o Splinter da Vida como auxiliar. Como tanque ele colocou o Naga Brute com Void Armor e Thorns. Na segunda posição estava o Gold Dragon com Heal, Blast e Magic Reflect. Nas terceira e quarta posições haviam dois monstros com a habilidade Resurrect, a Adelade Brightwing e o High Priest Darius. Na quinta posição estava o Defender of Truth com Protect e na última posição o Diamond Dragon com Slow, Cleanse e Last Stand.

Com Void Armor o Naga Brute atrasaria o avanço de minha equipe, ainda mais considerando que haviam 02 Resurrect na partida. Mas como todos os ataques de meu oponente estava focados em meu tanque eu sabia o que estava por vir.

No primeiro round o Naga Brute foi eliminado pela primeira vez, utilizando um dos dois Resurrect de meu oponente. Os demais monstros seguiam vivos na partida e meu Nightmare desvio de todos os ataques.

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No segundo round o Naga Brute foi eliminado pela segunda vez, utilizando o último Resurrect disponível. Meu Nightmare só recebeu o dano do Diamond Dragon.

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No terceiro round o Naga Brute foi retirado de vez da partida pelo Corrupted Pegasus e o Spirit Miner eliminou o Gold Dragon na sequência. O Nightmare voltou a desviar de todos os ataques.

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No quarto round a Adelade Brightwing foi eliminada pela Lira the Dark e na sequência o Corrupted Pegasus eliminou o High Priest Darius. O Cornealus deu o tiro final no Defender of Truth, restando apenas o Diamond Dragon no campo de batalha, que ativou o Last Stand.

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Durante o sexto round o Diamond Dragon foi eliminado pelo Corrupted Pegasus, garantindo a minha vitória.

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Devido à alta diferença na velocidade de movimento entre os times meu Nightmare desviou de quase todos os ataques, muitas vezes nem precisando contar com o Enrage, que era retirado devido ao Tank Heal de meu Corrupted Pegasus.

Espero que tenham gostado da partida, para acompanhá-la em detalhes é só clicar no link em Greengineer (2022-c).


@greengineer (2022-a, 06 de Maio). Battle analysis: Angry Dodge Beasts EN-US/PT-BR. PEAKD. @greengineer/battle-analysis-angry-dodge-beasts-en-uspt-br

@greengineer (2022-b, 07 de Maio). SHARE YOUR BATTLE Weekly Challenge! DRAGONS! EN-US / PT-BR-3. PEAKD. @greengineer/share-your-battle-weekly-challenge-dragons-en-us-pt-br-3

@greengineer (2022-c, 18 de Junho). Link de Batalha. Splinterlands - Collect, Trade, Battle!.

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